Family of alcohol free, carbonated, drinks that are aromatized with fruit extracts. Cola, Tonic, etc.
Soft drinks are distinguished from “hard drinks†or alcohol beverages, such as distilled spirits, beer, or wine. Soft drink beverages do not contain alcohol. Cconsumers can choose from a wide variety of beverages including regular carbonated soft drinks, diet and caffeine-free soft drinks, bottled water, juices, juice drinks, sport drinks, and ready-to-drink teas. (See also "CSD")
nonalcoholic beverage (usually carbonated)
a (A single serving of a beverage) drink that does not contain (A liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent) alcohol, as opposed to a (Distilled rather than fermented) hard drink , which does
a drink that contains no alcohol
Nonalcoholic carbonated beverage containing flavorings and sweeteners. Excludes flavored waters and carbonated or noncarbonated teas, coffees and sports drinks.
Soft drinks trace clear back to the 17th century. The soft drinks of that time bare almost no resemblance to the sheer variety that is held in vending machines. The first soft drink was a mixture of honey, lemon, and water. The first carbonated beverages started appearing in the mid 18th century, but did not grow in popularity until the end of the 19th century. Today, there are a wide variety of soft drinks available in vending machines. Associated Terms: Soft drinks, soft drink machine, soft drink machines, soft drink vending, soft drink vending machine, soft drink vending machines, soft drink vendor, soft drink vendors.
a non-alcoholic beverage, possibly sweet or carbonated, often used as a mixer.
Any drink that is non-alcoholic. Although carbonation is not required, most people think of soft drinks as being effervescent.