Direct entry into more advanced levels in the program (bypassing initial components) based on performance on advanced placement tests or academic credit previously earned.
Direct entry into more advanced levels in an academic program based on performance on placement tests and/or academic credit previously earned.
may be granted to an applicant who has completed work at another university or college, subject to the applicant having met the minimum requirements prescribed by the University.
Recognition of transfer credit for courses completed elsewhere.
Courses taken at another accredited institution and counted towards a Carleton University degree upon admission.
educational credits already obtained and applied as credit toward another or more advanced program of study.
The waiving of the requirement to complete a unit of work by an institution. In some cases, the requirement may be waived and substituted with an alternate course. In other cases, direct credit is granted for learning achieved at other institutions or for learning gained from work and/or life experiences. Implies direct entry into a higher level of a program of study.
A procedure by which a student not formally enrolled in a course may receive credit for the course by passing a departmentally-administered test on the subject.
If you have previously studied a unit at another institution that is recognised as equivalent by the university then you can apply to skip that unit Another term for credit transfer
A student undertaking an RMIT program may have prior achievements recognised by being granted advanced standing. This is done by granting credit points in the program in which he/she is enrolled. This may also be called Recognition of Prior Learning.
For applicants who have substantial previous study or professional experience (see Recognition of Prior Learning) entry into second and/or third year may be possible.
Recognition through pre -arranged Recognition of Prior Llearning (RPL), Mutual Recognition or RPL provides an exemption from a particular module or unit of competency, and a result of BY ADVANCED STANDING appears on the student's transcript.
A course completed outside of the University of Ottawa that is recognized as part of a program of studies at the University of Ottawa (see also “transfer credits”).
Credit given for previous studies (usually from TAFE or another university) which shortens the length of your studies at Sydney.
Recognition of having previously achieved a portion of the required knowledge, skills and understanding of units in an award program, expressed as an equivalent number of credit points towards that award.
Registration at an advanced level in a discipline because of transfer credits granted for courses completed at another recognized institution.
Exemption from studying a module, subject and/or units of competency - or in some cases a whole course or qualification - on the basis of previous learning, and/or work and/or life experiences, achieved with another educational institution or training provider.
Having credit awarded for previous work or testing.
Credit given toward an ECU degree for studies completed at another university or recognised tertiary institution (including TAFE).
Consists of Challenge (CH), Exemption (EX) and/or Transfer Credit (TC).
Academic credit for one or more courses awarded to beginning freshmen upon their successful performance on an examination.
The result of a request for credit and or exemption on the basis of previous studies or work experience.
The advanced standing program option is available only to incoming students who have obtained a baccalaureate degree in social work (BSW) from a college or university whose social work program is accredited by, or in accreditation candidacy with, the Council on Social Work Education at the time the degree is conferred. An advanced standing student can complete the MSW degree in one calendar year (four academic quarters).
For some UCFV courses, a student may demonstrate enough understanding of a subject that he or she may be permitted to register in a higher level course without completing the necessary prerequisites or corequisites. This doesnâ€(tm)t give you credit for those courses which were bypassed. Written instructor permission is required.
Advanced Standing, sometimes referred to as credit transfer, at undergraduate level is recognition of prior study at a University or TAFE. At postgraduate level it is recognition of prior postgraduate study in a university.
(also called credit recognition) Recognition granted to a student on the basis of previous study (credit transfer) and / or experience (recognition of prior learning), exempting the student from a particular program or course (subject).
Recognition for courses completed at another institution. Transfer of credits may also fulfill course prerequisites or introductory-level studies and reduce the number of credit hours required to graduate.
Advanced standing may be granted to a student on the basis of previous study or experience. When advanced standing is given, it means that a student does not have to undertake a particular subject because they have learned what they need to know through this previous study or experience.
Academic credit for college-level learning gained prior to attendance at Empire State College.
the recognition by the faculty of prior studies undertaken that may satisfy part of the academic requirements of a course in which the student is enrolled, for example the Graduate Diploma in Science (GradDipSc).
If you have studied at another academic institution, you may be eligible for credit towards your degree at Macquarie. This credit is called advanced standing, and is expressed in terms of Macquarie credit points. For example, for the Bachelor of Creative Arts, it is possible to take units at cooperating universities if you are interested in dance or visual arts. You must enrol in the relevant institutions for the first two years and then complete 300 level at Macquarie. You would receive advanced standing for the units completed (equivalent to the two years you had done) at the cooperating institution.
Admission beyond the normal point of commencement of the course.