To bring together; to collect, as a number of separate things, into one place, or into one aggregate body; to assemble; to muster; to congregate.
To pick out and bring together from among what is of less value; to collect, as a harvest; to harvest; to cull; to pick off; to pluck.
To accumulate by collecting and saving little by little; to amass; to gain; to heap up.
To bring closely together the parts or particles of; to contract; to compress; to bring together in folds or plaits, as a garment; also, to draw together, as a piece of cloth by a thread; to pucker; to plait; as, to gather a ruffle.
To derive, or deduce, as an inference; to collect, as a conclusion, from circumstances that suggest, or arguments that prove; to infer; to conclude.
To bring together, or nearer together, in masonry, as where the width of a fireplace is rapidly diminished to the width of the flue, or the like.
To come together; to collect; to unite; to become assembled; to congregate.
To collect or bring things together.
A plait or fold in cloth, made by drawing a thread through it; a pucker.
The inclination forward of the axle journals to keep the wheels from working outward.
To assemble or collect sections into single copies of complete books for binding.
To pull excess fabric into a seamline.
To pull (fabric) along a line of stitching so as to draw into puckers
A puckering in cloth or other material made by drawing in the material . The gathers may be formed with or without one or more draw threads. Draw threads can be made of sinew.
When the dog collects the sheep from their scattered positions in a field into a compact group. In a trial, the outrun, lift and fetch portion of the course.
sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching
assemble or get together; "gather some stones"; "pull your thoughts together"
collect in one place; "We assembled in the church basement"; "Let's gather in the dining room"
collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my office"; "The work keeps piling up"
conclude from evidence; "I gather you have not done your homework"
draw fabric together and sew it tightly
get people together; "assemble your colleagues"; "get together all those who are interested in the project"; "gather the close family members"
To assemble loaded cars from several production points and deliver them to main haulage for transport to the surface or pit bottom.
The bringing together of folds of fabric to produce fullness.
Bringing fabric into a tighter position to add fullness.
Finish for a passing pattern where one juggler stops throwing passes & collects all the clubs so that he or she finishes holding all of the clubs that were used in the pattern.
Bunching or pulling up fabric together to create fullness.
Many-to-one collective operation where each process (including the root) sends the contents of its send buffer to the root.
To assemble printed signatures next to each other in the proper sequence for binding, as opposed to nesting. Also referred to as stacking.
To assemble signatures into the proper sequence for binding.
In knitting, a gather is a generic term for several methods that draw stitches closer together laterally, i.e., within a row of knitting.