Harmful, destructive or deadly to living things.
Meaning that a given substance has an adverse physiological effect on human beings or other living organisms.
temporary or permanent drug effects that are detrimental to the functioning of an organ or group of organs.
Of or pertaining to a poison; a severe and progressive disease.
Able to produce adverse health effects after physical contact, ingestion, or inhalation. (Greenfield, 1987, p. 216)
Able to cause injury or illness through chemical means.
capable of causing death or serious health problems after exposure.
Causing death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction), or physical deformations in any organism or its offspring upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or assimilation.
Having an adverse physiological effect on biological systems.
Capable of causing damage to the body. A substance is more toxic if a small amount can cause the damage. The degree of hazard of a substance depends partly on how toxic it is.
Any material or waste product that can produce injury and/or loss of life if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin.
The ability of a substance or material to cause disease, injury, or death.
containing compounds that pose a substantial threat to human health and/or the environment.
Substances which chemically produce injurious or lethal effects to humans; poisons.
Capable of causing an adverse effect on biological tissue following physical contact or absorption.
Wastes are toxic if an extract from the waste is tested and found to exceed specific concentrations of heavy metals (such as mercury, cadmium or lead) or pesticides that could be released into ground water. SWM Rule 1200-1-11-.02(3) or 40 CFR ยง 261.24
Causing an undesired or adverse effect. Most substances will cause adverse effects if high enough doses are given.
Poisonous Toxocara cati The common roundworm of cats and kittens
Related to a poisonous effect; "toxics" often refers to heavy metals, pesticides, and other organic substances as pollutants
a substance or concentration of a substance that is harmful to a living organism
Poisonous; having the ability or property to produce harmful or lethal effects on humans or the environment. One of the four hazardous waste characteristics. (See also reactive, corrosive and ignitable.)
Causing temporary or permanent effects that are detrimental to the functioning of a body organ or group of organs.
Harmful. Poisonous. Substances with this warning label are capable of causing injury or death through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption.
Capable of having an adverse effect on an organism; poisonous; harmful or deadly.
Toxic describes a substance or condition which presents unusually high stresses upon the normal elimination systems of the body. A chronically toxic environment or repeated exposure to a toxic substance results in the degeneration of the body's functioning. Most modern urban environments present challenging conditions for the human body and its ability to cleanse and purify. Our bodies often exhibit the negative symptoms of the assault of toxins. Burt's Bees provides several products created to assist the body's normal cleansing and detoxifying processes.
A poisonous state generated in the body that cause an overload of toxins that lead to increased production of free radicals and systemic damage to the body.
Harmful. Any substance or chemical can be toxic at a certain dose (amount). The dose is what determines the potential harm of a chemical and whether it would cause someone to get sick.
poisonous; a substance that is "very toxic" or "highly toxic" can harm your health, even if you only take in very small amounts.
a substance that is poisonous, carcinogenic, or otherwise harmful to plants and animals
Poisonous; for example, cytotoxic drugs poison cells.
poisonous Testing for Water Quality
harmful (poisonous or lethal) to humans or other living organisms, even in small quantities.
Poisonous substances are toxic substances.
harmful, poisonous, deadly
Any material or waste product, which can cause injury if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin.
A substance which is poisonous to an organism.
Damaging or harmful. Having the effect of a poison. When used in relation to parents it refers to the emotional damage they cause their children.
1) Of, relating to, or caused by a poison or toxin. 2) Affected by a poison or toxin. ( Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1977)
poisonous, toxicant, toxin = poisonous compound produced by a pathogenic bacterium
Having a poisonous effect.
Harmful; having to do with poison.
Poisonous, either short-term or long-term.
Describes something that can be poisonous or deadly if it is eaten touched, or inhaled in large enough amounts.
A synonym for poisonous, remembering that many substances are toxic or non-toxic depending on how they are used. A sprinkling of salt on steak is appetizing and wholesome; a cupful of salt gulped at a swallow would impair health badly. Good quality detergents use chemicals which contain very low amounts of any toxic elements and are therefore safe even if they are not completely rinsed from a surface and are accidentally ingested. Toxicity of compounds are expressed as LD50, which shows the dose that causes the death of 50% of the test animals.
Poisonous; causing death, harm, or impairment.
poisonous; harmful to living organisms
harmful or Transistor A transistor is a solid state switch. The current being controlled enters at the collector, and leaves from the emitter but will only do so if the base voltage is greater than 0.7 volts. Many different types of transistor exist, including special types like phototransistors, but the most common are 'NPN bi-polar' types. A transistor can also amplify an output signal, often by several hundred times. This is called gain (hfe) of the transistor.
Poison, substances that can cause physical harm to living organisms.
Substances such as carcinogens, irritants, or poisonous gases, liquids, and solids which are irritating to or affect the health of humans.
Poisonous, carcinogenic, or otherwise directly harmful to life.
Any atmospheric concentration of any substance for which OSHA has established a permissible exposure limit (PEL) that could result in an employee being exposed to more than the established dose or PEL of that substance.
Having, or tending to have, a harmful effect on the environment or man.
Substances that cause irritation of are otherwise harmful to health, such as carcinogens and poisons.
ability (or property) of a substance to produce a harmful or lethal effect on humans and/or the environment.
Substance which causes adverse effects in the body like a poison.
Poisonous; able to cause injury by contact or systemic action to plants, animals and people.
Temporary or permanent drug effects that are detrimental to the function or structure of a cell, organ, or organ system.
Poisonous or hazardous to one's health.
Toxic (toxicity) refers to the capability of a substance to cause harm or be poisonous to humans, animals, or other living things. In common usage, the term toxic substances refers to chemical substances that are capable of causing harm at very low levels of exposure.
Materials that cause death, disease, or birth defects in organisms that ingest or absorb them. The quantities and exposures necessary to cause these effects can vary widely.
A harmful substance that usually has a biological origin.
The property of a material that may chemically produce injurious or lethal effects to humans.
Relating to harmful effects to biota caused by a substance or contaminant (USFWS).
Poisonous or sometimes lethal when inhaled or ingested.
caused by or acting as a poison.
Substances that are capable of harming living organisms with the outcomes ranging from chronic to lethal.
poisonous or pertaining to poison.
poisonous, everything, including water and oxygen is toxic in sufficiently high doses.
A substance which is poisonous to a living organism.
Anything that is poisonous or harmful.
poisonous ..... return to background; ..... return to Appendix C
A poisonous effect on an organism, that can be temporary or permanent. Domestic 'ice' manufacture commonly involves poisonous chemicals that are detrimental to the organs and central nervous system.
A chemical is toxic if it is poisonous.
Poisonous or dangerous to humans by swallowing, inhalation, or contact resulting in eye or skin irritation.
Able to cause injury to living organisms as a result of physicochemical interaction
Harmful, poisonous, injurious to life.
Able to cause injury, illness, or damage through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through body surfaces. Acute toxicity results from a single exposure. Chronic toxicity results from recurring exposures over a longer period of time.
When a substance is poisonous or harmful to the body, usually causing negative effects.
acting as, or having the effect of a poison; poisonous
Poisonous; injurious to animals and plants through contact or systemic action.
A substance that has an adverse physiological effect on human beings or other living organisms if the substance is contacted, ingested or inhaled.
The ability to have a harmful or deadly effect on individuals, animals, plants, or the environment, in general.
refers to the quality, state or degree of being poisonous.
poisonous. Toxic effects of a substance are dependent on the dose. At sufficiently high doses, air, water, anything, even the inert gas helium, is toxic. (High pressure helium causes lethal convulsions even when adequate oxygen is present.)
Inherent potential of a substance to cause harm.
A condition of being poisonous.
Having to do with poison or something harmful to the body. Toxic substances usually cause unwanted side effects.
Capable of causing human injury. A poison.
A substance that causes adverse and possibly harmful biological effects (see LD50).
Poisonous (to living organisms); capable of producing disease or otherwise harmful to human health when taken into the body.
Capable of causing death, disease, or birth defects in organisms.
TOXx-ick) Poisonous. Toxic item cannot be consumed, touched, etc., depending. In this context it is referencing a pesticide which is toxic to biocontrol agents. If toxic to plants it's phyto toxic.