Chemicals used when growing plants and crops, to kill unwanted insects, weeds and other pests.
A group of human-made or natural chemical compounds that are used to kill unwanted pests and other living things (insects, microbes, fungi, and weeds). Insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides are all forms of pesticides.
Toxic chemicals that are used to kill insects, or rodents.
Chemicals used to control or destroy crop pests. They include insecticides, herbicides (aimed at weeds), molluscicides (aimed at slugs and snails), and fungicides (aimed at fungi).
A chemical that kills undesirable plants, plant diseases, insects or other pests.
any fungicide, herbicide or insecticide or related product (excluding medicines) used for the control of pests or diseases.
Any chemical used by farmers to eradicate crop pests. Many are extremely toxic and harmful to workers, the environment, and consumers. The UFW led a forceful campaign both in public and in its contracts to eliminate the use of the most toxic and least biodegradable pesticides. The UFW's pesticide regulations, along with the inclusion of the hiring hall, were among the most contentious provisions in its contracts.
A general term for chemicals used to kill any of the pests of a desired crop.
Any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any pest. Pests can be insects, mice and other animals, unwanted plants (weeds), fungi, or microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term “pesticide” also applies to herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used to control pests. Under U.S. law, a pesticide is also any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant.
A collective term meaning chemicals, including herbicides, insecticides, and silvicides, which are used to kill pests such as weeds, insects, unwanted trees, etc.
Any toxic substance used to kill animals or plants that damage crops or are hazardous to the health of domestic animals or humans.
Substances used for destroying pests such as insects.
any substance used to harm or kill pest organisms
chemicals designed to kill insect pests on crops
chemical compounds used to control insects and other organisms that may reduce agricultural productivity; most are toxic
A chemical substance used to destroy bugs and floral diseases.
Forestry Operations & Water Quality] [ Forest Stewardship] A chemical used to kill pests. The term includes insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and rodenticides.
Any herbicide, insecticide, rodenticide, or fungicide including non-toxic repellents or other chemicals.
a chemical agent used to destroy pests Minnehaha Journey of a Raindrop
A general term used to describe chemical substances that are used to destroy or control insect or plant pests. Many of these substances are manufactured and do not occur naturally in the environment. Others are natural toxics that are extracted from plants and animals.
Chemicals designed to kill unwanted plants or animals.
are chemical compounds used to control undesirable plants and animals. Major categories of pesticides include insecticides, miticides, fungicides, herbicides, and rodenticides.
A substance used to control insect, plant, or animal pests.
chemical used on food crops or other plants to kill bugs or other "pests" that damage them.
chemicals including insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides that are used to kill living organisms
a chemical used to kill pests, esp. insects and rodents
A product used to control unwanted organisms, such as weeds, insects and fungi.
These chemicals are used to kill weeds and insects, and may cause a variety of physical ailments, including brain damage.
chemical substances used for destroying animal pests in agriculture, forestry, warfare and home gardens.
chemicals used for killing undesirable plants, insects and fungi.
chemicals used to kill bugs
chemicals used to control populations of species that are believed to be harmful to human beings or human activities.
any chemical used to control insects or weeds Our neighbor applies pesticides to his yard and garden to control insect pests.
Chemicals that are applied to agricultural crops or domesticated plants and which kill or inhibit growth of insects.
Any organic or inorganic substance used to destroy or inhibit the action of plant or animal pests, including insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, miticides, fumigants, and repellants. All pesticides are toxic to humans to some degree. Pesticides vary in biodegradability.
Chemicals used to poison insects or other pests
Chemicals used to destroy or control insects, weeds or unwanted growths.
an agent, often toxic to humans, used to destroy pests, such as insects; often used in an agricultural setting
Chemical compounds used to control specific pests (plants or animals). Insecticides control insects; herbicides control plants.
chemicals used to control insects and other pests
chemicals that kill or inhibit the growth of organisms that people consider undesirable. Fungicides (which kill fungi), herbicides (which kill plants), and insecticides (which kill insects) are types of pesticides.
Chemicals used to destroy or control animal, insect, or plant pests.
Pesticides are poisons used to kill pests (plants or animals that are considered to be a nuisance or harmful). There are two main types: insecticides, used to kill insects; and herbicides, used to kill weeds, mold, and fungus. Chlordane, toxaphene, HCH, and DDT are examples of pesticides.
are chemicals used to kill pests such as insects (insecticides), plants (herbicides), fungi, (fungicides) and worms (nematicides). About 25,000 tonnes of pesticide are sprayed over the British countryside each year
There are many different types of pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and other chemical treatments used in agriculture, lawn care and for the treatment of pests such as mosquitoes and moths. Organochlorine pesticides (OPs) are mainly used on agricultural crops—meaning on the fruits and vegetables we all eat. These chemicals are highly toxic and persistent in the environment, and as a group of chemicals have been shown to cause cancer, skeletal abnormalities and reproductive, neurological and immune system damage. Organophosphate insecticides, like parathion, diazinon, malathion, and chloropyrifos, have a variety of applications for lawns, agricultural crops, mosquito and pest control. These chemicals are known neurotoxins, and have serious adverse effects on the development of the brain. Chronic exposure causes damage to the reproductive system resulting in reduced fertility.
Chemical compounds designed to control and kill pests. The term pesticides includes herbicides (chemicals to kill weeds), insecticides (chemicals to kill insects), and fungicides (chemicals to kill fungus).
Chemicals designed to kill various pests which are sub-divided into categories. Use of pesticides can sometimes be highly controversial, and some people are convinced that in many cases they do more harm than good to the environment.
chemical agents used to destroy pests.
Chemicals used to control pests. They include insecticides (to control insects), fungicides (to control fungi) and herbicides (to control weeds).
Chemical or mixture of chemicals used to destroy prevent, or control any living organism considered to be a pest.