A chemical or mixture of chemicals emitted by an organism (e.g. a plant) that induces a response in an individual of another species (e.g. an insect) that is beneficial to the receiving organism. An example of a kairomone is a plant scent that makes the plant more easily identifiable to an insect pest. (See also allomone)
a class of pheromone which is an interspecific chemical secretion that benefits the receiver but not the emitter; also defined as a pheromone produced by organisms to attract a mate, though in some cases can also undesirably attract the attention of a predator
(1) A substance produced by a predator that induces an adaptive change in the development of the prey. (2) Plant chemical that attracts herbivores.
a semiochemical or infochemical that acts between individuals of different species to the benefit of the receiver, which is the mosquito in this paper
A substance produced by a species that beneficially effects the behaviour of other species.
kyy-roh_MONe) An allelochemic substance produced by a pest which elicits a response in predators and parasitoids. In this case, body odor kills.| Menu
A kairomone is a chemical substance produced and released by a living organism that benefits the receiver and disadvantages the donor. The kairomone improves the fitness of the recipient and in this respect differs from an allomone. An example of this can be found in the ponderosa pine tree, which produces a terpene called Myrcene when it is damaged by the western pine beetle.