A pesticide formulated specifically to kill, harm, repel or mitigate one or more species of nematode.
A chemical or physical agent that kills, inhibits, or protects against nematodes.
agent, usually a chemical, that kills or inhibits nematodes.
A pesticide that is used to kill nematodes in plants or soil.(Chemicals that kill nematodes for medical or veterinary applications are termed "anthelmintics"; they are classed as pharmaceuticals and so are not included in the Compendium.)
A pesticide that kills or otherwise controls nematodes.
A chemical used to control nematodes (eelworms). Spelt “nematocide" in USA.
A substance used to destroy nematodes.
A pesticide used to control nematodes.
Nematocide (S) Any agent that will destroy nematodes, especially those species that parasitize plants. This term is commonly used for any agent used to kill nematodes for agricultural purposes. See Anthelminthic
A chemical compound or physical agent that kills nematodes. ()
A nematicide is a type of chemical pesticide used to kill parasitic nematodes (a phylum of worm A nematicide is obtained from a Neem tree's Seed Cake or neem cake; that is the residue of neem seeds after oil extraction. Neem tree is known by several names in the world but was first cultivated in India since the ancient times and then was distributed by Indians to the rest of the world. neem tree has many benefits and uses.