The way certain plants prevent other plants from growing too close to them. This is usually done using chemicals that the plant produces and release into its surroundings.
the ability of a plant species to produce substances that are toxic to certain other plants. The inhibition of growth in one species of plants by chemicals produced by another species.
n. (Gr. allelon, one another; pathos, suffering) the influence or effect of one living plant upon another; refers to biochemical interaction between all types of plants and its effect depends on a chemical compound being added to the environment.
Chemical interactions between plants is called allelochemics. When a plant inhibits the growth or even contributes to the decay of another plant, it is called allelopathy. A common plant responsible for this is the Black Walnut. Some plant species have developed tolerances to others with allelopathic qualities.
The ability of some plants to produce substances which stop the growth of, or kill other plants trying to occupy the same site. Chemical inhibition of one organism by another.
Situation in which one plant detrimentally affects the growth of a nearby plant, presumably through exudation of toxic or growth-inhibiting substances through the roots.
Suppression of growth of a plant by a toxin from a nearby plant.
Effect of chemical products of one plant (usually reducing growth, survival or reproduction) on another.
the suppression of growth of one plant species by another due to the release of toxic substances.
growth suppression by one plant on another plant due to the release of inhibitory or toxic chemicals.
The influence of plants upon each other through products of metabolism. For instance, certain plants will not grow under walnut trees because of the chemicals coming off the leaves.
An interference interaction in which a plant releases into the environment a compound that inhibits or stimulates the growth or development of other plants.
The phenomenon in which one plant directly harms another (to reduce competition), particularly when young through the production of chemical compounds released into the environment.
The inhibition of one species by another with the secretion of chemical substances.
The term allelopathy denotes the production of specific biomolecules by one plant that can induce suffering in, or give benefit to, another plant. However, it is most commonly used in the former sense - an interaction in which one plant causes suffering to another plant.