The cycle of continuous review, re-examination and renewal of fundamental work processes that contribute to an organization's performance and productivity. Itself a continual process, process management must at all times challenge a process' fit with other processes, and may result in radical change to work methods and practices.
Management of resources and internal processes that support research and development programs. These include staffing, human resource development, fund raising, financial management, and management of facilities.
Most managers or supervisors are responsible for specific processes or activities. They are responsible for organizing the process or activity and securing the resources need to execute it, and they are responsible for measuring the results of the activity and providing rewards or corrective feedback when necessary. They are also responsible for changing and improving it whenever possible.
Ongoing activity that establishes standards for activities, methods, tools, and deliverables of the life cycles.
A philosophy of management that organizes an enterprise by the series of activities that combine to produce related types of goods and services for internal or external customers. See functional management.
Key aspects of the organization's process management, such as how the Management organization manages key product and service design and delivery processes, key support processes, and key supplier and/or partnering interactions and processes.
Strategic Management diagnostic tool that focuses on providing a representation (model) of an organization's operations or a specific part of the operation. This information is then used to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Process Management utilizes two primary tools - Organizational Mapping and Process Mapping.
A philosophy of management that advocates an integrated approach to the management of an end-to-end process including its lower activities, which produces a product or service for a given customer.
A set of functions supporting the definition of inter- related process steps and the management of their execution across a variety of hardware and software platforms; used mainly by data replication.
Also called Business Process Quality Management or Reengineering. The concept of defining macro and micro processes, assigning ownership, and creating responsibilities of the owners. Modifying, altering, reshaping, redesigning any business/production process, work method or management style to deliver greater value.
Process management is the ensemble of activities of planning and monitoring the performance of a process, especially in the sense of business process, often confused with reengineering. Jörg Becker, Martin Kugeler, Michael Rosemann (eds.). Process Management.