The authorization enjoyed by a cable system under The Copyright Act of 1976 to retransmit programs without negotiating payments to individual copyright owners.
The authorization given by a judicial or administrative authority to a third party for the use of a patented invention, without the consent of the patentee, on various grounds of general interest (absence of working, public health, anticompetitive practices, emergency, national defense).
a formal conveyance of permission by a government to a third party to exploit a patent, trademark, or copyright, without the permission of the holder of such item of intellectual property
a license created by the United States Copyright Act that allows certain persons to use copyrighted material for specified uses without the explicit permission of the copyright owner
a license to exploit a patented invention granted by the state to a third party
a license to use a patent, copyright, or other exclusive right that a government forces the holder to grant to others
a mandatory mechanical license that is issued on behalf of the copyright owners after the public release of the first recording of that musical composition
The right of cable systems and certain other delivery media to retransmit copyrighted material in broadcast signals without the consent of the copyright owner for payment of a government-set royalty based on the system's gross revenues.
Legislation requiring copyright holders to license users of copyrighted material (CATV operators) on a uniform basis and for a stipulated fee.
This type of licensing means that whoever wants to broadcast a song owned by someone else can do so as long as they pay the rate set by the relevant industry organization. The lack of compulsory licensing for music downloads has stalled the efforts of online music distributors to go legit.
A license created by Congress that allows certain parties the right to use copyrighted works without prior permission of the copyright holder in exchange for a specific royalty fee.
In a compulsory license, a government forces the holder of a patent, copyright, or other exclusive right to grant use to the state or others. Usually, the holder does receive some royalties, either set by law or determined through some form of arbitration.