The ability of an individual to transfer from one health insurer to another health insurer without regard to preexisting conditions or other risk factors.----------[ Back
Insurance benefit plans transferable from one job to another or one state to another so as to provide continuous coverage for the individual and his/her family.
The ability to carry certain pension rights––including contributions and years of service from one plan to another, provided your contributions remained on deposit (you didn't take a refund when you left that plan).
The character of benefits that may be carried from a previous job to the next.
The ability to continue your credited service, vesting service, and accrued benefit under the Plan from one contributing employer to another
The right to transfer pension rights and credits when a worker changes jobs.
The ability to use, or migrate, application software, systems software data and/or people across different computing platforms from multiple vendors.
The ability to transfer vested pension benefits from a registered pension plan to another registered pension plan or locked-in retirement vehicle upon termination of employment or plan wind-up.
Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is the ability to retain a mobile number when moving or porting from one mobile carrier to another. MNP occurs when the mobile network is different and mobile number is the same. This process is also sometimes called migrating or transferring. To begin the process, contact your current Service Provider (the company your contract is with) and ask for a Porting Authorisation Code (PAC). The PAC is your authority to request a transfer and will allow the Network you wish to move to, to request your number be transferred to them. However the PAC is only valid for 30 calendar days so you must action your request promptly.
The right to purchase, from one of two plan choices, a guaranteed-issue individual policy within 63 days of losing your group health plan coverage provided you have been covered on the group health plan for a specified period of time.
The ability of a data format to 'transcend computer environments, scholarly communities, domains of application and passage of time' (Bird & Simons, Language 79, 2003).
The ability of employees, upon termination of employment, to transfer their account balances from one employer to another without restriction or penalties.
Credit given toward meeting the pre-existing condition clause of the PPO plan. Full credit (portability) will be given for time covered under an employer-sponsored plan (whether the prior carrier's plan of another employer-sponsored plan).
A characteristic of group insurance in which the employee or group member can continue the insurance coverage even if he or she terminates employment or leaves the group. The coverage is said to be portable.
Requirement that health plans guarantee continuous coverage without waiting periods for persons moving between plans. This is a new protection for beneficiaries involving the issuance of a certificate of coverage from previous health plan to be given to new health plan. Under this requirement, a beneficiary who changes jobs is guaranteed coverage with the new plan, without a waiting period or having to meet additional deductible requirements. Primarily, this refers to the requirement that insurers waive any pre-existing condition exclusion for beneficiaries previously covered through other insurance.
The ability of an application to work on various platforms or with various operating systems.
The ability to support multiple hardware platforms.
Portability and portable data access refer to the ability to access connectivity services while at a home location, at multiple other locations. Portability does not typically allow for access while moving a significant distance, and generally does not include roaming or handoff. QoS - Q uality ervice. The ability to define a level of performance in a data communications system. For example, ATM networks specify modes of service that ensure optimum performance for traffic such as realtime voice and video. QoS has become a major issue on the Internet as well as in enterprise networks, because voice and video are increasingly traveling over IP-based data networks that were not designed for continuous speech or video. A high QoS would ensure that the packets of data all arrive in time for undetectable re-assembly. ROI - R eturn nvestment. The monetary benefits derived from having invested in developing or revising a system. The ROI of a money market mutual fund is about 4%, but business ventures target projects in the 15% range. The superior returns are earned by assuming greater risk.
Members who have contributed to more than one plan in the Retirement System can use their service credit in either retirement plan.
The capability to move software across different platforms.
The ability to transfer numbers between suppliers.
The employee's right to transfer pension benefit credits from a former employer to a current employer, or to a tax-deferred vehicle such as an IRA.
A component of HIPAA that provides for the protection of benefits coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs and that prevents discrimination against employees and their families due to preexisting medical conditions.
The diversity of the hardware and software platforms on which the information system can run, and how easy it is to transfer the system from one environment to another.
The ability of software to run on a variety of computers and/or browsers.
A provision for retaining coverage when changing from one employer to another.
It refers to the transfer of accrued benefits between MPF registered schemes. That is:• the benefits may be retained within the same registered scheme; or• they can be transferred to another scheme on change of employment.
The capability to transfer and retain pension entitlements when switching jobs.
The ability of an insured employee to retain his policy after leaving an employer. COBRA also provides a type of portability in that qualified former employees can continue to pay premiums themselves and maintain their insurance for a limited period of time.
The ability to transfer a mortgage including rate and terms, from one existing property to a new property.
The ability to transfer entitlements from one superannuation fund to another.
This criterion of the Canada Health Act (section 11) requires that provincial and territorial health insurance plans not impose any minimum period of residence, or waiting period in excess of three months before residents become eligible for insured health services. In addition, the plans must cover and pay for insured services provided to insured persons while they are temporarily outside the province and during any period of residence, or waiting period imposed by the health care insurance plan of another province or territory.
the ability of an application and its data to be moved easily to a different location or environment. This includes portability in the sense of moving to a different path in the filing system, to a different version of the operating system, or to an entirely different computer. Montage supports a number of features aimed at providing a high degree of portability.
Allows active employees, who end employment with the Commonwealth, to continue life insurance coverage at the same level and type of coverage and for the same cost as the GIC group plan. Certain eligibility and time limits apply.
is the right of an individual to move funds from one pension plan to another. Under most governmental defined benefit plans, state law allows employees to recover service credit for earlier years of work for which they will not earn such credit. These laws allow them to "purchase prior service credit," sometimes known as "buying back prior service."
The ability to move one's annuity contract among any of the more than 11,000 colleges, universities and research organizations in the TIAA-CREF system without freezing or losing benefits.
A provision of voluntary coverages that allows a terminating employee (other than for reason of retirement or disability) to continue coverage at the same or reduced benefit amount to a stipulated age, depending on the coverage.
An employee's ability to carryover plan coverage from one employer to the next. HIPAA does not provide for such portability, but approximates portability by requiring that employees receive credit for prior coverage against any new plan's preexisting condition exclusion.
The ability to transfer accumulated benefits from one plan to another when a worker changes jobs.
Humana Voluntary Life is portable subject to plan provisions. An active eligible employee who leaves the group can continue coverage by paying annual premiums to Humana if he or she is not yet age 70. Only coverage in force or a lesser amount can be ported at termination.
This term refers to an employee's ability to transfer vested benefits to an IRA or some other pension plan after he or she leaves the company. Without portability, the employee could be subject to large tax bills. These days, the term "portability" also may refer to an employee's ability to transfer eligibility for medical insurance coverage without running into the problem of coverage denials based on a pre-existing medical conditions. This kind of portability is the subject of great debate in Congress.
In computer terms, portability takes on the meaning of transferring and translating software from one computer platform to another. (See Platform.)
A consumer protection requiring that a person receives credit for health insurance coverage when changing jobs. If the person was covered for a specified period of time under the previous policy, benefits for a pre-existing condition must continue under the new policy.
The exemption of the standard pre-existing condition under a subsequent health insurance policy following the termination (from a previous health insurance policy or plan.)
This occurs when, upon termination of employment, an employee transfers pension funds from one employer's plan to another without penalty.
Benefits that can be easily accessed throughout a national provider network. Relative to HIPAA, the ability to reduce or eliminate pre-existing condition limitations when an individual changes health plans by providing proof of previous continuous coverage under other recognized health plans.
the ability to keep a benefit policy in force after termination of employment, or to retain a vested retirement plan benefit.
The ability to move software code from one machine environment to another with no (or minimum) changes.
Government requirement that health plans guarantee continuous coverage without waiting periods for persons moving between plans and ensures that individuals changing jobs are guaranteed coverage with their new plans.
The ability to use and migrate software across different platforms.
The ability to retain your superannuation fund when you change employers or to transfer your account balance from the fund used by your previous employer to the fund used by your current employer. Westscheme members' accounts are portable.
A pension plan participant's right to transfer (usually tax-free) pension credits that have accrued under a pension plan sponsored by one employer to a plan sponsored by another employer.
The ability of an implementation to be transferred from one environment to another.
In pension plans, the ability to take the benefits promised by a company's pension plan when changing jobs and move them to another company plan, or to another approved plan such as a Locked-in Retirement Account. In mortgages, the ability to transfer the terms and conditions of an existing mortgage to a new home when moving.
Term used to describe entitlements for contributors to transfer from one Health Fund to another without the imposition of a waiting period or with reduced waiting periods where the waiting period has been served in whole or in part.
The ability of a programming language to compile successfully on different operating systems without requiring changes to the source code.
Describes the right of an employee to transfer to another financial institution, upon separation from the employer, pension entitlements that are vested and locked-in.
The facility for transferring superannuation entitlements on a change of job from superannuation fund from the previous employer to the fund of the new employer.
The ability to take your super with you when you change your job. Industry funds are particularly well placed in this regard, as members can often stay with the same fund despite changing employers or industries.
The ability to take your superannuation with you when you change your job. Prime Super is particularly well placed in this regard, as members can often stay with us despite changing employers.
The degree to which an individual's insurance coverage or pension benefits can be continued when the participating individual leaves the providing benefit plan.
Generally, refers to the options available for transferring a member's vested benefit on termination of employment.
The ability of an ERP system to run various operating systems, databases, and networks without requiring any major adjustments or sacrificing any functionality.
The right to transfer a pension plan entitlement (locked-in or not locked-in) out of a pension plan and into a LIRA, LIF or other registered retirement savings arrangement.
The ability to transfer your mortgage including rate and terms, from your existing property to a new property.
Portability refers to the ability to successfully deliver special education services in a general education classroom. Under IDEA, it is inappropriate to provide portable services in a segregated setting unless it is the parent's preference.
The extent to which pension rights are transferable on a change of employer.
the ability of a program to run on systems with different architectures [centc251g
The ability to switch insurers seamlessly without pre-existing condition exclusions.
The transfer of a life insurance policy when a worker changes employers.
Allows active employees, who end employment with the Commonwealth, to continue life insurance coverage at the same level and type of coverage. The premium for the portable life insurance cvoerage will be the same that the same rates you are insured for under teh Commonwealth's group plan. Cerrtain coverage and time limits apply.
The ability for an individual to transfer from one health insurer to another health insurer with regard to pre-existing conditions or other risk factors.
A requirement that health plans must guarantee you continuous coverage without waiting periods if you're moving between plans. Your old health plan must give you a certificate of prior coverage that you pass along to your new plan to guarantee that the new plan cannot exclude any of your pre-existing conditions. (See HIPAA above.)
ability for you to roll over to and from your account balances from your Retirement Investors' Club or other pension plan to a different plan, such as 401(k) or IRA, without restriction or penalties
The practice of providing access to continuous health coverage so the insured does not lose insurance protection due to any change in health or personal status (such as employment, marriage or divorce).
A pension plan feature that allows employees to move their pension benefits from one employer to another.
The ability of an employee to keep benefits after employment ceases. With a mobile workforce in which employees move from one company to another, portability of employee benefits, especially insurance and retirement plans, is important. Concerns about pre-existing conditions or insurability, as well as vesting schedules of qualified pension plans, are critical factors to an employee who entertains a more lucrative employment opportunity elsewhere. Some insurance and brokerage firms stress the portability of their programs.
The ability to take the benefits promised by one company's pension plan and switch them to a second company's plan, or another approved plan such as an RRSP, when changing jobs.
A characteristic of a program which can run on any platform without modification.
Generally taken to refer to the ability to take pension arrangements from job to job without changing the policies involved and with the minimum penalties.
The Portability of social security benefits is the ability to preserve, maintain, and transfer acquired social security rights and social security rights in the process of being acquired from one private, occupational, or public social security scheme to another without losing their contributions (Cruz 2004).