Definitions for "Column-major order"
The method of storing Fortran 90 arrays in memory. Column-major order requires the columns of a two-dimensional array to be in contiguous memory locations. For example, given the array a(3,4), element a(1,1) would be stored in the first location, a(2,1) in the second, a(3,1) in the third, and so on. See also See also row-major order..
The default storage method for array s in HP Fortran 90. Memory representation of an array is such that the columns are stored contiguously. For example, given the array a(2,3), element a(1,1) would be stored in the first location, element a(2,1) in the second location, element a(1,2) in the third location, and so on. See also row-major order.
The method used by Fortran to store matrices in which the leftmost subscript varies most rapidly and attains its maximum value before the subscript to the right is incremented.