A taste and odor taint that gives the coffee brew a flat bouquet and insipid taste. The result of the roasting process proceeding with too little heat over too long a period. Generally unpleasant characteristic of having an over-baked taste in an over-heated coffee. Ranks in the following order of intensity: cooked, baked or burnt.
A taste and odour that gives the coffee a flat aroma and bland taste. It is the result of the roasting process taking too long because insufficient heat is created. Roasting terminology ranks this unpleasant characteristic in three levels of intensity: cooked, baked or burnt.
Taster's term for a flavor defect where coffee is dull from lack of acidity, usually from roasting too long.
an earthy hot smell produced by grapes that are shivelled and burnt due to damaging sunshine and shortness of rainfall.
A taste description given to underroasted coffee, or coffee roasted too slowly at too low a temperature, so that the flavor is underdeveloped.
a taste and odor taint that gives the coffee brew an insipid taste and a flat bouquet (Lingle 14). Baking usually occurs when the beans are roasted too long with too little heat.
Flavors of cooked fruit, a lack of freshness, with a characteristic caramel/prune/raisin odor.
A prematurely developed flavor that is caused by limited roasting at low temperatures.
A plain bouquet and lifeless taste. This defect is caused by the application of too little heat over too long of a time period during the roasting process.
Grapes grown in hot climates have a noticeable roasted quality.
A taste or odor that gives coffee a flat taste.
A taste description given to under-roasted coffee. A flavor that is underdeveloped.