A bland coffee is just what it sounds like: dull, boring and without distinction. Bland coffees have relatively little flavor or aroma and do nothing for the palette.
Wine-tasting term used to describe a wine that lacks any discernable character, though not necessarily having any particular wine faults.
Pale, insipid flavor often resulting from a cup made with too little coffee or too coarse a grind.
Perceived by the sides of the tongue and ranging in taste from soft to neutral. Found often in washed Arabica coffees such as Guatemalan Low Grown.
Lacking coffee flavor and characteristics.
The pale flavor often found in low grown robusta coffees. Also caused by under-extraction (too little coffee or too course a grind).
The weak, dull flavor often found in low-grown coffees. Coffee that is under extracted is almost always bland.
Wine-tasting term denoting a wine without character, though not necessarily having any wine faults.
A taste which is smooth and flavorless, such as that of butter.
A primary coffee taste sensation created as sugars in the coffee combine with salts to reduce the overall saltiness of the brew.
The pale flavour often found in low grown Robusta coffees or in washed Arabica coffees such as Guatemalan Low Grown.