Playing a theme backward.
A planet's seemingly backward movement as seen from the earth. Retrograde is noted in a chart by an "Rx" after the planet, sign, and degree. The retrograde movement of a planet in natal & transit charts requires special attention.
A planet's backward movement as seen from the earth based on the fact that the earth is not the center of the solar system. Retrograde is notated in a chart by an "Rx" after the planet, sign, and degree. The retrograde movement of a planets initiates a three stage process: direct movement over a point, retrograde (or backward) movement over the same point, and direct motion for the final time. In the first stage, a native is confronted with a situation or problem; in the second, the native is compelled to solve the problem; in the third stage, the native finds final resolution.
the apparent backward motion of a planet against background stars as seen from Earth. Someone with retrograde planets is redoing those planets' functions in a highly personal, individualistic sense. Things manifest more slowly for a retrograde planet; one is more subjective and thinking more deeply about it. The retrogradations of Mars, Venus, and Mercury, in that order, are the most significant. The retrogradations the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not as personally significant because they are retrograde about half the time.
Apparent backward motion of a heavenly body.
A composition technique in which the composer rewrites the melody backward.
When a planet, from the viewpoint of Earth, appears to be moving backward through space. When Mercury goes retrograde, it is a time for difficulty with communication, travel and electronics.
Performed or occurring in a direction which is opposite of the normal direction of flow or characterized by retrogression.
The motion of a planet or other Solar System body in a clockwise direction. Most Solar System bodies orbit or rotate about their axes in an anti-clockwise direction when looked at from the north pole of the body or the Sun.
Lunar orbital motion opposite the direction of lunar rotation.
move in a direction contrary to the usual one; "retrograding planets"
moving from east to west on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in a direction opposite to that of the Earth
Motion of a celestial body moving in the opposite direction of its usual motion.
Apparent westward movement off a planet with respect to the stars.
Contrary to the direction of motion or rotation. A retrograde orbit is one that goes in the opposite direction of the rotation of the body being orbited. A retrograde maneuver is one carried out in the opposite of the direction of travel.
The apparent reversal of the normal west to east motion of outer planets of outer planets as the Earth passes them
The westward apparent motion of an outer planet when the Earth's movement around the Sun overtakes it.
Opposite of prograde motion.
westward motion in the sky
Satellite orbit motion which is opposite to the Earth's direction of rotation, also defined as an orbit with an inclination greater than 90 degrees
a planet is considered "retrograde" when it appears to be moving backwards. both "retrograde" and "direct" are terms used in astrology to describe the direction of planetary movement with relation to the Earth. note that the planets do not actually move backwards. However, they appear (from our perspective on Earth) to back up for periods of time. the Sun and the Moon never retrograde. (read about mercury retrograde, venus retrograde, and mars retrograde; see current and upcoming retrograde activity).
Backward statement of melody.
Refers to the direction that is backwards or the opposite direction of what is natural. Retrograde films refer to taking x-rays by injecting contrast (dye) through ureteral catheters inserted into the ureteral orifice to define the anatomy of the ureter and kidney.
Orbital motion in the direction opposite to the primary's rotation.
When a planet appears to be moving backward through space because of the movement of the Earth. It isn't moving backwards, it just seems that way from our perspective.
Rotation of a planet, or orbit, opposite to that normally seen.
When a planet appears to be traveling backwards from our perspective on Earth. The energy of a retrograde planet is less assertive and more internalized.
When the planets appear to be going backwards.
When a planet appears to move backward in the zodiac, it is said to be "retrograde." This takes place when planets are far away from the sun and close to the earth. Retrograde planets indicate a zig zag pattern of energy and a need to "take one step back before taking two steps forward." When a planet is retrograde there is a "re" theme at work. Engines are reversed. Retreat, repeat, review and re-evaluation may be in order. Retrograde planets represent lack of perspective and diminished perspective. Often there is more than meets the eye. Things don't always come fast when the associated planet is retrograde, but delays aren't denials. Backwards can be beautiful.
objects that move or appear to move in the opposite direction of most solar system bodies; for example planets that appear to move east-to-west in the sky or objects that revolve or rotate clockwise as seen from north of the solar system
perform the motif backwards (like a rewound video)[ Back
Literally meaning "going backwards", this can refer to the apparent backwards motion that planets appear to take in the sky when the Earth overtakes them. It can also refer to planetary moons orbiting in the opposite direction to the mother planet's rotation.
rotation or orbital motion in a clockwise direction when viewed from above the north pole of the primary (i.e. in the opposite sense to most satellites); The north pole is the one on the same side of the ecliptic as the Earth's north pole. revolve to turn in a circle or move in an orbit satellite A small object in space orbiting a larger one.
Backward with respect to the common direction of motion in the solar system; counter-clock\vise as viewed from the north, and going from east to west rather than from west to east.
The movement of a celestial body seen as backward to that of the general motion of similar.
Having a direction which is opposite that of similar bodies.
Apparent backward motion of a planet as appearing from the Earth. Thought to cause difficulty in a person's chart. Click here for an animation of what astronomically is happening
An orbit or rotation that is oriented in the opposite direction of that of Earth and the other planets.
When a planet appears to be moving backward from Earth's perspective. The energy of a retrograde planet is usually less assertive. Sometimes, retrograde means "unfinished business." It will reverse the situations, change our feelings and regular activities.
Passing against or in the opposite direction of normal flow
concerns metamorphic grade with temperature and pressure conditions lower than previously undergone by the metamporphic rocks. Contrary : prograde.
Moving backwards or against the usual direction of flow
The movement of a planet when it appears to “travel” backwards.
backwards, referring to an inscription or legend written from right to left.
The appearance of a planet moving backward. It creates frustration, delays, nervousness and the feeling that the same or a similar experience is being repeated.
The term used for a planet which appears to be going backwards in its orbit through the zodiac, from the Earth's prospective. This apparent backward motion occurs when the Earth passes a slower-moving outer planet, or, when a faster-moving inner planet is passed. The outer planets are retrograde over 40% of the time, and can inhibit the planet's energy or cause delay and confusion. Natal retrograde planets can be slower to act and less conscious than direct planets. Retrograde is designated by the symbol R in the horoscope.
A planet is said to retrograde when it appears to be travelling backwards through the zodiac. Opinions vary on the interpretation of retrogradation. In natal work, it is considered an affliction, in horary work, it indicates that there is a need to go back over the matter and review it and in predictive work, it is often associated with the need to hold off taking important steps. All of the planets will be retrograde at some point in an 18 month period. The Sun and the Moon are never retrograde.
For a certain portion of the year, because of they are being overtaken by faster-moving planets, every planet except the Sun and Moon, spends time appearing to move backward. This is referred to as retrograde motion. Mercury will retrograde @three times a year, Venus once a year, Mars every other year, and the outer planets will each be retrograde for a certain portion of the year. Retrograde motion for Mercury, Venus and Mars can be noticeably impactful. The outer planets tend to be most noticeable as they change station and focus energy before turning retrograde, or resuming direct motion. In a natal chart, retrograde birth planets can be important features.
The rotation or orbital motion of an object in a clockwise direction when viewed from the north pole of the ecliptic; moving in the opposite sense from the great majority of solar system bodies.
The act of taking a sequence of choreography and reversing the order from back to front.
Backwards; as applied to an orbit, moving in the opposite sense from the great majority of solar system bodies.
Electrical impulse travelling opposite the normal direction of flow, for instance from the AV node backwards to activate the atria.
Apparent backward motion of a planet through the zodiac. Sun and Moon are never retrograde. Though viewed as a debility in Western Astrology, in Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), a retrograde planet in a good house and free from combustion is considered more powerful.