Definitions for "Chlorofluorocarbons"
Compounds containing chlorine, fluorine or bromine, used as aerosol propellants, refrigerants, foaming agents and solvents and which, on decomposition by sunlight, produce oxides of chlorine responsible for the removal of ozone from the stratosphere. ( 044)
Organic compounds made up of atoms of chlorine, fluorine and carbon. They were commonly used as refrigerants in refrigerators and air conditioners, as blowing agents in foam plastics, and as cleaners for computer circuit boards. CFCs do not occur naturally – their increase in the atmosphere is entirely the result of human activity. Beginning in the 1940s there was a rapid increase in the rate of manufacture, and hence the escape, of CFCs.
A group of substances that are compounds of chlorine, fluorine, and carbon. They are widely used in refrigeration and many industrial processes, and contribute to deterioration of stratospheric ozone.