a geographic unit defined for the purposes of forest administration and inventory. The boundaries follow permanent physical features or legal demarcation where appropriate.
An area of forest, usually defined by physiographical boundaries, designated for forest management purposes.
a separate structural portion (e.g., of the body or of a cell); a distinct area or part of the body, which may not have a discrete physical boundary. In pharmacology, an area of the body where a drug is metabolized.
a separate structural portion (e.g., of the body or of a cell). The term is also used in pharmacology to denote an area of the body where a drug is metabolized, but which may not have a discrete physical boundary.
( Man.). A territorial unit of a forest permanently defined for purposes of administration, description and record. (Preferably designated by Arabic numerals, 1,2,3, etc.) See Block; Coupe. Cf. Sub-compartment.
The Forest Management Agreement (FMA) area of the DFA is divided into 12 Operating Areas for administrative purposes. These Operating areas are divided further into a number of Compartments, which are used in the development of Annual Operating Plans. These compartments, like most of the Operating Areas, are divided by natural or anthropogenic boundaries including watercourses, highways, and/or pipelines.
series of logging coupes.
1. An area of forest forming a sub-division of a block. It is the smallest permanent subdivision of forest for management, planning and recording of activities and resource information. 2. A basic administrative unit of a managed forest.
A unit within the forest, demarcated (for administrative purposes) by permanent features e.g. roads and streams.