(nautical) a portable ladder hung over the side of a vessel to give access to small boats alongside
a moveable staircase, with fixed or self-adjusting steps, which can be hoisted or lowered up and down a ship's side with a winch or tackle, and in some cases, where a turntable is fitted, swung on to the quay or berth. When not in use, it is stowed on its side usually abreast the main deck accommodation. It is fitted with portable stanchions and wooden, or rope, handrails. It is usually incorrectly referred to as "the gangway".
External folding stairway for access from ashore or from a tender along side.
External folding ladder, used to climb aboard the ship from a pilot boat, etc.
A portable inclined ladder hinged to a platform attached to the edge of a ship, or at the sill of a shell entry port, and which can be positioned to provide access between ship and small craft or shore.