Definitions for "MULTITUDE"
Keywords:  crowd, virtue, wisdom, political, sylv
A crowd; the source of political wisdom and virtue. In a republic, the object of the statesman's adoration. "In a multitude of consellors there is wisdom," saith the proverb. If many men of equal individual wisdom are wiser than any one of them, it must be that they acquire the excess of wisdom by the mere act of getting together. Whence comes it? Obviously from nowhere -- as well say that a range of mountains is higher than the single mountains composing it. A multitude is as wise as its wisest member if it obey him; if not, it is no wiser than its most foolish.
A great number of persons collected together; a numerous collection of persons; a crowd; an assembly.
A crowd in which one finds political wisdom and virtue, based on the theory that a range of mountains is higher than the single mountains composing it.
a large indefinite number; "a battalion of ants"; "a multitude of TV antennas"; "a plurality of religions"
Keywords:  warriors, people, stars, regarded, mass
A great number of persons or things, regarded collectively; as, the book will be read by a multitude of people; the multitude of stars; a multitude of cares.
a large gathering of people
the common people generally; "separate the warriors from the mass"; "power to the people"
Keywords:  numerousness
The state of being many; numerousness.
to have many