(alternately, Noob, Newb, etc): A young, inexperienced player. Sometimes used as an insult.
A network newcomer, one who is new to the world of online communications. Sometimes used incorrectly as a pejorative term, as in "clueless newbie." See also power newbie and knowbie.
A newbie is a novice to the online world or computers in general.
New users in a virtual community are often referred to as newbies. The term indicates that when someone new joins a community, there are norms and conventions that are worth learning.
In web lingo, this is a newcomer to a particular group, forum, or discussion board.
A beginner in the hobby. Can be used as a humble self-description (I'm just a newbie...), affectionately (I just helped a newbie make his first flight!) or sarcastically (What are you, a newbie???). Report this Word Added by: fliir
A player new to the game; (Also: newb [not nice])
A person or couple new the the concept of swing clubs, parties, or for that matter, any other particular subject. We're all newbies at something. Off Premise: No swinging takes place at the club or party; you meet and make your arrangements. Great for newcomers.
New/Beginner, n00bie, n008ie, or n00b - This is a "net-speak" term used to describe someone that is new to a subject. You can choose to be offended by it or just accept it. It's up to you. I think it accurately describes anyone with the "wide-eyed deer in the headlights" look they get when trying to figure something out for the first time. The only real negative connocation I can think of is that Newbies don't usually RTFM (See RTFM.) before asking questions because they want a straight forward step by step answer to be found for them. Everyone is occassionally guilty of this. Just try to RTFM before you ask questions.
A player who is new to a particular gaming universe.
A person who has recently purchased Asheron's Call, and is still learning the ropes., see also nub, noob, noobie
an inexperienced trader (Celebdaq term only)
Usually used to refer to someone new to M**ing who doesn't know their way around the game yet, but it can also be used to mean someone who's new to that particular game, or even someone new to the area (such as a craft).
a newcomer to a particular field
a person that has recently joined the forum
a person unfamiliar with computer technology
a totally clueless person to how the boards work, but try to take things in and learn the ropes
A USENET neophyte. This term surfaced in the {newsgroup} talk.bizarre but is now in wide use. Criteria for being considered a newbie vary wildly; a person can be called a newbie in one newsgroup while remaining a respected regular in another. The label `newbie' is sometimes applied as a serious insult to a person who has been around USENET for a long time but who carefully hides all evidence of having a clue.
A rookie or novice to the big bad world of gambling
A new Internet user. As used by more experienced Internet users, newbie usually carries derogatory connotations. Newbies are often faulted for not knowing netiquette.
Term, sometimes used derisively by experienced users, for someone new to an online forum, electronic space, or computer technology in general.
A user who is new to the Internet.
Term of endearment for the new player, as in "this game is full of newbies". The term includes totally new players as well as those who have played some games but are still in the very early stage of their ZONE lifespan. See Bunny.
A newbie ( or n00b, noobie, newb) is someone who is new to the Internet or new to computers in general. Everybody on the internet was a newbie at one point
Generally this is a new player
Slang for someone who is new to the Internet or a specific aspect of it.
Someone who is new to the game or MMORPGs as a whole, and unfamiliar with the workings thereof.
Someone who's new to using the computer.
Someone new to the internet business / marketing area.
Slang for someone who is new to the Net.
kind of a depreciative term used to refer to new players. Newbie, n00b, newba, newb, noobies, many variations exist. (read tutorial)
a neophyte, or someone new, to the internet
A term used to describe new players.
Someone new to the RV world.
fresh meat. A player who is new to the game. Also n00b.
n. Someone who’s new to gaming.
Generally derogatory term referring to players new to the game or genre.
A derogatory term on the Net meaning an inexperienced and obnoxious new user. The term refers to the brand of user who is unschooled in the Internet's traditions, takes little time to learn them, and acts rudely.
A newcomer to the online world.
One that is new to something, especially a novice at using computer technology or the Internet. Source: Dictionary.com
An individual lacking the knowledge of application functions. Someone who has little or no knowledge of computer programs.
Generally, a term used for somebody who is new to the Internet.
(slang) A user who is new to or unfamiliar with a particular computing environment.
A person just learning the ropes of the internet.
( link / ) Someone who is new to RPGs. Sometimes shortened to noob (or "n00b").
One who is new to the Internet.
(also newb, noob): A newcomer to Wikibooks.[ edit
A newcomer or novice in almost any field, in this context, to computers and the Internet.
Somebody new to the Net. Sometimes used derogatorily by net.veterans who have forgotten that they, too, were once newbies who did not innately know the answer to everything. "Clueless newbie" is always derogatory.
A person that is new to penis exercises. ( synonyms: noob, beginner)
Someone who’s new to the Internet.
A newcomer to the world of the Internet, most commonly used for newsgroup novices.
A beginner. All experts were newbies once.
A new participant of a particular newsgroup or the internet as a whole.
A person that is new or plays as though they were new at the game. Also see: Tim Uderitz.
(Noob) A person who is new at the game. Often Derogatory describing someone who isnt very good.
A new player, usually applied to a player when it's clear they haven't played the game in question very much.
A "newbie" is someone who is new to the Internet. If you're a newbie, don't worry. There are a lot of good resources that will help you learn about the Internet.
A term for those who are new to the Internet.
A newcomer to the Internet, often used derisively as in "clueless newbie."
Newcomer to the Net, discussion or area.
A newcomer, or someone just getting started on the Internet.
(New beginner) Internet slang for someone who hasn't been using computers or the internet long.
1. n. Someone who newly joins a discussion forum. 2. A person with limited internet or discussion forum experience. 3. n. A rookie.
A person who is new to gambling or to forums. A rookie.
someone who is new, a low level character. A newlyn is a female low level character, they're all newbies.
Someone who is new at the game, or new to a particular experience. Is considered an insulting name when directed at a veteran player.
A beginner. Someone just starting. Web version of Rookie. It is not meant as an insult. see: noob
A newcomer to the nets, who reveals his or her inexperience by lack of knowledge of net conventions, netiquette, vocabulary, and know-how.
(also, Noob, Newb, etc): A young, inexperienced player. Sometimes derogatory.
Somebody new to the Internet or to computers in general.
A new Internet user. If you are reading this defintion, you probably are one (or at least were one before you read this).
A term that sometimes means new player but also is used to mean a player is not very good.
A term that sometimes means new player. Newbie is also used to suggest that a player is not very good.
A novice hobbyist or novice provider.
A newcomer to the Net, to a game, or to a discussion.
New kid on the block or in the game, or someone who is a novice at any aspect of computer applications.
A new player to the sport.
A term for new Internet users, especially with regard to UseNet.
A term used to describe somebody who is new to the Internet.
A new participant to the list. Persons will often describe themselves as newbies when submitting their first post to the group or when asking a question that may show that they are novices in the group.
A new player to the game, also called newby, noob or n00b.
Someone new to the Internet, to a specific world, or both.
An individual new to the Internet. Used with both affection and malice--depending on whether you're being welcomed or being flamed.
Someone new to the Intenet
A new user on the Internet or an online service. Often used derogatorily.
someone new to the Internet (or a message board, a game e.t.c.) There's nothing wrong with being a newbie - everyone was one once, after all - and the term usually isn't derogatory.
A term to describe anyone new to an area, whether it be a particular forum online or the Internet.
Name for someone new to the Internet. Usually not considered complimentary.
A player who is new to the game. Sometimes shortened to noob, it can be used as an insult or simply as a way of referring to new players. Don't be ashamed of newbie status - like drivers, we were all learners once
A person that is new to the Internet.
Someone who is new to the scene (commonly associated with Usenet). This is one stage that we all go though. This is when understanding about a new subject or group is being discovered. In contrast is the "Clueless Newbie". This is someone who is new, but can't be bothered to find out what is/is not acceptable in the area that they are discovering. In other words someone who is new to the area, and wants everything handed to them on a silver platter. Often associated with Usenet when someone asks a question that is answered in the FAQ, that they should have read.
A term spawned from the age of the Internet; someone who is new to a situation or place.
A newcomer who is unfamiliar with the Internet.
A mildly derogatory term for anyone new to the Internet. By its very nature the Net always has a high proportion of "new" people. New people have the property of making all the mistakes that all us "old hands" made 18 months ago, and would never admit to. They're also cannon fodder for all the "get rich quick" pyramid letters that saturate the Net. However, they're not all bad. It's down to Newbies always asking the same questions, that forced people to create the various FAQS's that exist. Newbies need know only two things... what Netiquette is (so they can avoid the mistakes we all made), and what FAQS s are (so they won't ask the same questions as we did).
orig. from British public-school and military slang variant 'new boy'] A Usenet neophyte. Criteria for being considered a newbie vary wildly; a person can be called a newbie in one forum while remaining a respected regular in another. The label `newbie' is sometimes applied as a serious insult to a person who has been around discussion forums for a long time but who carefully hides all evidence of having a clue.
An individual who is new to using the Internet. As a newbie, you need to make sure to read FAQs, lurk, and learn general netiquette.
A new player to the game. Usually identified by having a low rank, little currency and few missions of experience. However, experienced players are often ranked low due to having been Killed in Action or simply starting a new pilot.
A term indicates someone who is a new user on the Internet.
A person who is new to the Internet.
Condescending term for an inexperience user, or someone whi is new to the internet.
Somebody who is new somewhere, in relationship to usenet: somebody who is new to the newsgroup, or new to usenet in general.
Slang word for someone who is new to particular topic.
A new or inexperienced player
Someone who is new to role-playing games in general, or new to a specific role-playing game. Sometimes used as a derogatory term for someone who doesn't know what they are doing. Also "newb" or (regrettably) "n00b" or "n3wb".
n. 1. An inexperienced user on the Internet. 2. In a particularly derogatory sense, an inexperienced Usenet user who asks for information that is readily available in the FAQ. See also FAQ.
Newcomers to the Internet are referred to as "newbies." A common saying is, "If you don’t know what one is, you are one." Newbies often get flamed when they first post to newsgroups because they are ignorant of the informal rules that govern newsgroup etiquette. It is highly advisable that users read the newsgroup’s FAQ and a large sampling of messages before posting for the first time to gain a feel for the content and audience of that particular newsgroup.
A new player, also spelled noob, n00b, newb or nub.
A person new to a subject, a beginner, novice. Also noob, n00b, etc. Newbie Help
A newcomer to the Inter, or , more specifically, to USENET and its Newsgroups. Newbies are widely reviled for their lack of netiquette and are discouraged from participating in some newsgroups.