A term usually used in relation to tournaments in which one player loses heavily in a hand and is left with a small amount of chips and is then said to be "crippled".
When one player has most of or all of theCards that someone would want to have with theCurrent board. ToCripple the deck.
adj. A deck is crippled if key cards are out, making action unlikely. If you hold A, and the board has another ace, it is less likely for anyone to have the final ace. Fearing the scary ace on the board, no one will bet hard against your wonderful hand.
To cripple the deck is when you have most of the cards that Another player would need.
When one player has most of or all of the cards that someone would want to have with the current board. To cripple the deck.
When one person has most or all of the cards in a deck that are necessary to win the current board. Example: You have pocket kings, and the other two kings flop, you have crippled the deck.
Refers to having the majority or all of the cards someone else wants with the current board. "He crippled the deck"
As in "to cripple the deck." Meaning that you have most or all of the cards that somebody would want to have with the current board. If you have pocket kings, and the other two kings flop, you have crippled the deck.
an object ball right in front of a pocket that cannot be missed.
If a player has most or all of the cards that other players would need to win.
Refers to the situation in Hold'em where a player has hole cards that match the board to make the best hand (or nuts), but other players are intimidated and will likely not give much action. If you were dealt pocket kings and two kings came on the flop, you have crippled the deck. Any opponent may be cautious to bet because they are wary of the two kings on board. As a result, opponents may fold to any bet, no mater how modest.
To cripple the deck is to hold some or all of the cards that would make the board cards valuable to other players.
To have pocket cards that make a great hand based on the current board, such that you are not likely to get action (having a Pair of Aces in the Hole when there are two Aces in the Flop).