Starting hands with two connected suits like 8-9s.
When your pocket cards in holdem are both the same suit.
When cards all share a suit, they are said to be suited. " the flop came 678-suited. Someone had to have a strong draw, but it wasn't me - I folded."
The two pocket cards are both the same suit, eg both clubs or both hearts.
Suited Connector Sunset Strip Scare Card
A players pocket cards that are the same suit.
In games with hole cards, such as Texas Holdem, your cards are said to be suited if they share the same suit. For example, AcKc is ace-king suited. See also: Off Suit.
A hand that contains cards of the same suit.
When pocket cards in Hold’em are both the same suit.
A starting hand of two cards from the same suit.
A hold'em starting hand in which the two cards are the same suit. Example: "I had to play J-3 -- it was suited."
Starting hand in matching suit – hearts, clubs, spades or diamonds.
Cards are of the same suit.
Cards of the same suit (i.e. all hearts)
Refers to a holdem starting hand with two cards of the same suit. Suited cards are slightly better than unsuited cards as there is a chance of a flush.
two cards of the same suit, usually used in reference to a player’s hole cards
Cards in the hole of the same suit, such as having two spades in Hold'em.
a term for cards of the same suit.
With regard to a card, one that belongs to a suit (see above). In Tarot, they are the Minor Arcana.
A poker starting hand that has two cards of the same suit.
Refers to when you receive suited cards in the hole. In games like Hold'em and Omaha if you have two cards of the same suit they are suited.
hole cards of the same suit (e.g., )
when your 2 down/pocket cards are the same suit.
Refers to a holdem starting hand with two cards of the same suit. Suited hands are slightly better than unsuited hands because there is a chance of a flush.
Two or more cards that are the same suit (3H-7H or 9C-AC)
Two or more cards of the same suit.
A hold'em starting hand in which the two hole cards are the same suit. Tt
This is a Hold'Em starting hand in which the two cards are the same suit.
This refer to a players hole cards being of the same suit.