Wall plate, sole plate; The bottom horizontal framing member of the wall.
The 2x4s or 6s that lay on the subfloor upon which the vertical studs are installed. Also called the sole plate.
The bottom, horizontal structural member of a stud framed wall. The bottom plate sets on the sub-floor, nails through the sub-floor into floor joists.
The bottom framing member of a stud wall.
The lowest horizontal member of a wall which rests on the rough floor, to which the studding is nailed.
Also known as a sole plate; a horizontal framing member attached to the subflooring that supports the wall studs.
The lumber that is placed on the subfloor and wall framing is placed on top of it.
The lower horizontal board that is permanently attached to the foundation and nailed to the bottom of the wall studs. This board should be pressure-treated.
A metal plate bearing the bridges and various parts of the movement.
Plate that interfaces customer tooling to compensator.
The "2 by 4's or 6's" that lay on the sub floor upon which the vertical studs are installed. Also called the 'sole plate'.
Also called a sole plate, this is the board on which the bottoms of the wall framing studs stand.