Calling when you have not yet made your hand.
To stay in with a drawing hand, hoping to catch up against a stronger hand.
to stay in a hand where you are currently beat in hopes that a card will be dealt to complete your hand. Players betting in hopes of completing straights and flushes are often said to be "chasing".
ToContinue to play a drawing hand over multiple betting rounds, especially one unlikely to succeed. Frank knew I made three nines on fourth street, but heChased that flush draw all the way to the river. ToContinue playing with a hand that is not likely the best because one has already invested money in the pot.
When you're behind, you can either choose not to contend the pot (i.e., check and fold as appropriate), try to steal it, or stick around, hoping you'll improve enough to win. To stay in a pot, with the sole hope of making a particular hand (e.g., chasing a flush). Usually chasing implies poor pot odds.
To stay in against a stronger hand usually in hope of filling A straight or a flush.
Try to beat a hand, even your know his hand is better.
To stay in a hand trying to make a straight or a flush.
To stay in the pot looking to get the card you need to make your hand a winner. Ex. Player 1 "chased" the one card he needed to complete his inside straight.
'Chasing a hand: Term used when a player is trying to make a hand by calling when he/she doesn't have the right odds to call. (he/she is behind).
To call a bet in the hopes of making your hand. A player who "Chases" a lot depends on luck.
to call with the worst hand, hoping to improve. Synonymous to drawing, but is often used in a derogatory sense, to mark someone as desperate. " You just keep chasing those inside straights, kid - it will bust you eventually."
to remain in a hand, hoping for later community cards to improve your situation
To call in the hope of hitting a draw. This word often describes a player who will call even with bad odds.
To try and make a longshot hand to beat your opponents. If you flop no pair and your opponent flops a pair of eights, you are chasing if you call. You need to improve your hand in order to beat him.
Playing against another hand that you know is higher than yours, but you are still trying to beat it.
To call in the hopes of hitting a draw. This word often connotes that someone is a calling station and will call even with bad odds.
To pass without placing a wager or to play with a hand that is weaker than (at least) one player
Chasing is when a player is calling bets in hopes of making a hand that is somewhat improbable. Usually the player chasing is getting improper odds to justify calling the bets.
To stay in against an apparently stronger hand, usually in the hope of filling a straight or flush.
To stay in a hand trying to outdraw an opponent that you suspect has the better hand when the odds are against you.
To play a hand that is most likely worse than at least one other player.
To play recklessly, particularly when offering and accepting the doubling cube, in hopes of quickly recovering losses.
To call in the hopes of hitting a draw. This word often describes someone who will call even with bad odds. For example, someone who "chases" a card to make a straight or flush draw.
To call a bet in the hopes of hitting a card that is needed. This is also called a draw.
To continue in a hand, often at poor odds, when you really should fold.
To Chase a pot means to call the 4 th / 5 th Street hoping that the next card will give you a good hand. Potential losses and winnings are high when a player adopts a chasing strategy.
Calling in hopes that future cards will improve a poor hand.
To stay in a pot hoping to make one particular hand (Chasing a Straight), usually with poor odds.
To stay against a better hand.
To place another bet in the hopes of regaining money originally lost.