To divide into distinct parts by lines, walls, etc.; as, to partition a house.
to separate something into different parts or sections.
Hard disks can be divided into seperate sections with different types of filesystems - these are called partitions. iPods are initially partitioned differently if they are a WinPod or a MacPod.
A wall dividing internal space can be stud partition, i.e. non-loadbearing.
To divide up a sum of squares--usually the SS treatment.
A division of a hard drive. Each division is capable of containing 1 or more logical drives. Even if you're not going to divide a hard drive up, it still must be partitioned. Partitioning creates the Master Boot Record.
n. A fixed-size division of storage.
A partition is a 'slice' of a hard drive. It may use the same file system as the other partitions, or a totally different one. Many users keep one partition on their hard drive for Windows and one for Linux.
A legal procedure by which an estate held by tenants in common or co-tenants if divided and title in severalty to a designated portion passed to each of the previous tenants in common.
Sometimes due to hardware limitations, disks have to be divided into smaller pieces. These pieces are called partitions.
a wall dividing two rooms.
any vertical distribution wall of premises and vertical division between the inner spaces of buildings, except for cross walls. The distinction between a partition and a wall is essential : a wall is load-bearing, a partition is not. A division wall is a wall which divides two adjacent living areas or one which separates a living area from a common hallway; its construction has to meet thickness and sound insulation requirements.
A portion of your hard drive that DOS or Windows can address using a letter.
A group of tracks and sectors assigned to a specific drive letter.
Procedure dividing a physical hard drive into into one or more logical volumes.
The division of a hard drive into one or more separate areas, each capable of containing a different file structure. All hard drives have at least one partition. All partition information is stored in the partition table, which is stored in the MBR at the beginning of the drive.
the division of a country into parts. This happened, for example, in Ireland in 1922, when the country was divided into the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland; and in Germany in 1945, when it was partitioned into West Germany and East Germany.
the distribution of co–owned property interests.This occurs in cases where a group of owners or tenants want to rent or sell a real estate property while others disagree with the decision.A partition lets these tenants or owners separate themselves from a relationship that does not let them agree on what to do with the property.
Division of land, usually by a legal proceeding, among the parties who were formerly co-owners.
According to Oregon law, the division of a unit of land into two or three parcels within a calendar year. See also Subdivision.
A logical division of the NetWare Directory Services database. A partition forms a distinct unit of data in the Directory tree that is used to store and replicate Directory information. Each partition consists of a container object, all objects contained in it, and data about those objects. Partitions do not include any information about the file system or the directories and files contained there.
A separate logical area of memory or a storage device that acts as though it were a physically separate area.
Line separating the two halves of the fruit of a mustard (Brassicaceae).
Segment of a hard drive that a computer recognizes as a separate drive.
A division of a hard drive that can be used to hold logical drives.
A section of a hard drive devoted to a particular OS or file system.
The judicial separation of the respective interests in property of joint owners or tenants in common so each may take possession, enjoy, and control his or her share of the property.
A Partition is a logical grouping of Directory Numbers and Route Patterns with similar reachability characteristics. For simplicity, these are usually named for their characteristic, such as NYLongDistance or NY911. When a DN or Route Pattern is placed into a certain partition, this creates a rule for who can call that device or Route List.
A method of setting up what appears to be two (or more) drives on the one drive. [more...
The court-ordered separation of two or more co-tenantsâ€(tm) interests in real property when the parties do not all voluntarily agree to terminate their co-ownership.
A division of a hard drive. Filesystems exist on top of partitions.
Partitions in a panel allow a number of completely separate alarm systems to be controlled from the same panel. This means that, if one partition is inserted in a panel, this will allow two completely separate alarm systems (i.e. separate users, separate, detectors, separate zones, different settings and part sets, etc.) to be run from that panel. This feature tends to be used in applications such as shared accommodation or apartment blocks when one panel can be used for alarm systems in a number of different apartments/premises.
(n.) The unit into which the disk space is divided by the software.
An electronic division of a hard disk that must be created before the disk can be formatted. Each division or area is considered by the operating system to be a separate drive.
Court proceeding brought by an interested party requesting that the court divide real property among respective owners as their interest appear.
A section of a hard drive that acts as a separate disk, even though it is not.
A partition is a part of a program. Each partition consists of a set of library units. Each partition may run in a separate address space, possibly on a separate computer. A program may contain just one partition. A distributed program typically contains multiple partitions, which can execute concurrently. (27)
A partition is a section of a hard disk. When you format a hard disk, you can ...
A logical division of a hard disk. Partitions make it easier to organize information. Each partition can be formatted for a different file system. A partition must be completely contained on one physical disk, and the partition table in the Master Boot Record for a physical disk can contain up to four entries for partitions.
Before a storage device such as a hard drive can be used by the system it must be partitioned. A partition is a portion of the whole drive. It defines the boundries in which the filesystem can manage. A filesystem can not be placed on a storage device without a designated partition.
part of a hard disk, designated to a file system
A logical section of a disk. Each partition normally has its own file system.
A hard disk can be partitioned to create two or more logical hard disk drives. The main reason to do this is to be able to have different operating systems running on a single computer, and to prevent wasted hard disk space by reducing the cluster size.
(1) A fixed-size division of storage. (2) In terms of the IBM RS/6000 SP, a logical definition of nodes to be viewed as one system or domain. System partitioning is a method of organizing the SP into groups of nodes for testing or running different levels of software of product environments.
There are two different meanings of partition. The first is the Linux and DOS definition. This basicly refers to changing settings in the partition table usually with fdisk. Linux needs at least two partitions, one for file systems and one for a swap area. The Unix world has been using partitions for many more years than the existence of the partition table. These are also sections of a disk, generally there is one partition per file system or swap area. The difference is that these partitions are part of the label written on the beginning of every disk or DOS partition.
To logically divide a large storage device such as a hard disk. By dividing a hard disk into partitions, you can use such partitions in a single hard disk as though they were multiple hard disks. Then, you can use one partition for file storage and another for software storage.
division of property between two or more interested parties
The forced division of land among parties who were formerly co-owners. A partition suit may ask to divide the land or if that is not practical, sell the land and divide the proceeds.
A contiguous collection of disk sectors as defined by the partition table. Once a partition is defined in the partition table, a file system can be created within the partition.
Partition is a logical section of a disc. It may have its own file system.
To divide, either physically or logically, into two or more pieces.
The standard division of a disk device. In the Visual Administrator, partitions are represented iconically as rectangles within physical disk icons. The terms partition and slice are sometimes used synonymously.
A segment of a disk drive's storage space that can be accessed as if it was a complete disk drive.
An extent of logical sectors within a volume; partitions may be allowed to overlap.
Can be a plywood or polyethylene separator within a case. Plywood partition is braced and supported, by a double-edged aluminum extrusion. STAR CASE plywood partitions are 1/8" to 3/4" in thickness. They are capped with vinyl, foam or aluminum. STAR CASE polyethylene foam partitions are 1" or 2" in thickness.
A section of memory or hard disk for example that acts as if it is a single device in its own right. It is quite common for a hard drive to partitioned into C: & D: drives.
A section of a hard disk, containing either a file system or swap space.
A subdivision of a hard disk's area that is defined and used as a separate volume.
A way to logically divide a hard drive so that an operating system treats each partition as a separate hard drive. Each partition has a unique drive letter.
To divide into parts by means of a legal instrument or document.
The standard division of a physical disk device, as supported directly by the operating system and disk drives.
As a noun or verb, this term usually refers either to division of application or logic or data over multiple computers, or to the division of a single computer or disk into multiple segments, each running like an independent system.
A physical division of the disk usually associated with a drive letter. Since each partition corresponds to a drive letter, partitions can also be referred to as drives. The term logical volume or logical partition as used in this document refers to a partition within the extended partition. The active primary partition has drive letter C: while other primary partitions cannot be seen and do not have drive letters (in DOS/Windows). Primary partitions are listed in the MBR while partitions within the extended partition each have their own EBR.
A physical storage area on a hard drive that is assigned to one or more logical storage areas known as logical drives. Each partition can contain multiple logical drives. See also logical formatting.
A portion of a hard disk dedicated to a particular operating system or application and accessed as a single logical volume.
a section of a hard drive treated by the operating system as a separate logical drive
A subdivision of the capacity of a disk. Partitions are consecutively numbered ranges of blocks that are recognized by MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, and most UNIX operating systems.
A section of a hard drive. You must create at least one partition to begin using a new hard drive, and you can create multiple partitions and keep chunks...
Logical storage unit. One hard disk can be divided into one or more partitions. Each partition is regarded as one logical storage unit, and normally contains one file system. In the Windows operating systems (95/98/NT/2000) each partition is assigned one station letter (C:, D: etc). For the user it looks like there are several hard disks in the computer. The term partition may also be used in tape context, but the interpretation differs slightly. On may have to partitions on tape. One will contain the file data and the other the system information.
An court ordered division of property owned by two or more owners, may take the form of a physical division of the property or a forced sale and division of the proceeds.
A region defined on the hard dive for placing within.
Co-tenants who wish to terminate their co-ownership may file an action in court to partition the property. Partition is a legal way to dissolve the relationship when the parties do not voluntarily agree to its termination. If the court determines that the land cannot be divided physically into separate parcels without destroying its value, the court will order the real estate sold. The proceeds of the sale will then be divided among the co-owners according to their fractional interests. See ( co-ownership )"
A logically distinct portion of memory or a storage device that functions as though it were a physically separate unit. The MS-DOS operating system, for example, can divide a hard disk into a primary partition and an extended DOS partition, each of which behaves as if it were physically distinct from the other. In database programming, a subset of a database table or file. In a horizontal partition, data is separated by rows or records; in a relational database management system, horizontal partitions can usually be created based on primary key values. In a vertical partition, data is separated by columns or fields. Vertical partitioning (or projection of columns) often occurs during normalization of database design. Database files may be horizontally or vertically partitioned across multiple nodes in a distributed database.
A logical division of storage on a fixed disk. In Incipient NSP, a partition is a contiguous extent of blocks on an array volume that is used as a building block for a Network-Volume.
In the title industry, a lawsuit between joint owners of real estate in which the court either divides the property between them or orders the property sold and divides the proceeds between them.
"Carving" up a disk drive into multiple volumes. The section of a hard disk that contains an operating system.
The process of splitting a hard disk into smaller pieces to create extra drives. All hard disks will start with 1 partition, which uses all of the space. The process or re-partitioning involves changed the partition size so it uses say, only half of the space, then creating another partition using the remaining space. This gives the effect of having an extra hard disk for every partition and allows you to have more than 1 O/S installed on a single machine and will also reduce cluster size amongst other things.
A portion of a disk drive. UNIX disk drives typically have eight partitions, although not all are in use.
An area on a fixed disk set aside for a specific purpose, such as a location for an operating system.
Lawsuit seeking the judicial separation of the respective interest in land of joint owners or tenants in common thereof, so that the parties hold their estates in severalty.
hard drive can be partitioned into smaller segments. Sometimes this is done to increase the efficiency of the disk by reducing the size of the minimum allocated space for each file or to segment the required backup.
In Analysis Services, one of the storage containers for data and aggregations of a cube. Every cube contains one or more partitions. For a cube with multiple partitions, each partition can be stored separately in a different physical location. Each partition can be based on a different data source. Partitions are not visible to users; the cube appears to be a single object.
A section of the hard disk.
something that divides such as a wall; a nonbearing wall; carries only the weight of the partition wall itself.
A logical section of a disk in a computer.
subdivision in a computer's internal memory (partitions are also used to subdivide disk storage).
A partition is a section of a hard disk created by the FDISK disk preparation utility.
A reserved portion of disk or memory that functions as a separate unit; when used as a verb, partition refers to the process of dividing up the space on a disk into smaller units. A partition acts as a a separate space but physcially it is still part of the whole disk. A user could, for example, partition a hard disk into several separate drives (such as E:; F:; G:), while maintaining the physical structure of only one disk. This is a way to make the hard drive more efficient. Hard drives partitioned into multiple sections often work faster because the computer only needs to search a specific section for information rather than the entire drive.
Division, apportionment, and allocation of property between or among two or more persons who are entitled to fractional interests in the whole property, frequently used in connection with a parcel of real property which must be sold in order to satisfy interests of the parties owning unallocated shares in such property.
A defined part of a drive that is allocated to a specific user or purpose.
a segmentation technique in which data is divided into physically different units. Partioning can be done at the application or the system level.
an area of a computer disk used for storage and further subdivided into volumes.
The seperation between two logical drives. One physical hard disk drive can be divided (or partitioned) into one or more logical drives (don't be fooled; it's still one disk drive).
A way of dividing a hard disk into chunks that can be addressed by separate disk drive letters. If you buy a large 800Mb hard disk, you might find it convenient to split it into four 200Mb partitions called C:, D:, E: and F
Land is divided between joint tenants, tenants in common, or other ownerships so the holders can own a particular portion of the land in their individual names.
On IA machines, logical section of a hard disk drive. On UNIX systems sometimes called slice. Generally, two types of partitions are distinguished: primary and extended.
A wall that divides space but plays no part in the structural integrity of a building.
A process of dividing an object into parts.
A wall, sometimes moveable, and not load-bearing, used to divide a room or building.
A division of memory or disk storage into logical sections.
You can divide a hard drive into multiple physical sections called partitions with the fdisk command. Each partition can contain multiple logical drives. You must format each logical drive with the format command.
A feature of the operating system that allows you to divide a hard drive into multiple physical sections called partitions. Each partition can contain multiple logical drives.
The division of real property between those who own it with undivided interest
See slice. On a SPARC system, a slice and partition are the same. On an x86 system, a slice and partition are distinct. A partition is a part of a disk set aside for use by a particular operating system using the fdisk program. Thus partitioning the disk enables it to be shared by several different operating systems. Within a Solaris partition, you can create normal Solaris slices.
the division into parts of property held jointly, or the sale of such property by a court with division of the proceeds.
Any kind of structure dividing one room or space from another.
A division of a hard disk. For example, a 500 megabyte hard disk can be divided into two 250-megabyte partitions. Smaller partitions can be used to further organize files and reduce the cluster size.
A complete or partial representation of a logical drive, usually represented to a user by an operating system as a physical disk. Also called a logical volume.
A logical section of your hard disc. One physical hard disc may be partitioned into two or more logical hard drives.
A court action to divide property. Typically taken when a property is jointly owned and a dispute arises about how to divide it.
1. an office sound barrier providing inadequate privacy and noise attenuation; 2. a portion of a hard drive or CD, formatted for a particular use. See hybrid.
A partition is the portion of a physical disk or LUN that functions as though it were a physically separate disk. Once the partition is created, it must be formatted and assigned a drive letter before data can be stored on it. On basic disks, partitions can contain basic volumes, which include primary partitions and logical drives. On dynamic disks, partitions are known as dynamic volumes, which include simple, striped, spanned, mirrored, and RAID–5 (striped with parity) volumes.
memory space on a hard disk or RAM that has been reserved for a specific use
An area of a hard disk, generally allocated to a specific operating system (though perhaps usable by multiple operating systems).
An isolated section of a hard drive which is assigned its own drive letter.
a portion of a hard disk. Disks are partitioned in order to reduce cluster size or to have separate partitions for different operating systems.
A partition is an individual section of computer storage media such as a hard drive. For example a single hard drive may be divided into several partitions. When a hard drive is divided into partitions, each partition is designated by a separate drive letter, i.e., C, D, etc.
A portion of a hard disk that the operating system treats as if it were a separate drive. In DOS, a harddisk can be divided into several partitions, including a primary DOS partition, and a non-DOS ... more
A portion of a physical disk that functions as though it were a physically separate disk. After you create a partition, you must format it and assign it a drive letter before you can store data on it. On basic disks, partitions are known as basic volumes, which include primary partitions and logical drives. On dynamic disks, partitions are known as dynamic volumes, which include simple, striped, spanned, mirrored, and RAID-5 volumes. See also: basic disk; basic volume; drive letter; dynamic volume; extended partition; primary partition; system partition
Verb: to divide up or allocate the space of a hard drive into one or more divisions. Noun: one of the possibly many divisions of a hard drive. Partitions are simply allocations of the storage capacity of the hard drive. Each partition is usually treated by the operating system as if it were its own hard drive.
A partition is a portion of a physical disk that functions as it were a physically separate unit.
a subdivision of a hard drives surface that is defined and used as a separate drive.
The dividing of common interests in real property owned jointly by two or more persons. It sometimes happens that one of several tenants in common or joint tenants desires to sell the property while the other tenants think it best to hold on to the investment. If the parties cannot reach an agreement, an action in partition is often the solution. The main purpose is to provide a means by which people, fording themselves in an unwarranted common relationship, can free themselves from the relationship.
(1) Electronic isolation of an Ethernet device from network communications. Bay Networks products support automatic partitioning of ports on fault or error conditions.(2) A reserved or isolated segment of memory or disk storage on a computer or network device.
The forced dividing of real estate among parties who were previously its co-owners
A partition is a division of a logical database or its constituting elements into distinct independent parts.
A partition is a term used in the law of real property to describe an act, by a court order or otherwise, to divide up a concurrent estate into separate portions representing the proportionate interests of the tenants. Under the common law, any tenant who owns an undivided concurrent interest in land can seek such a division. In some cases, the parties agree to a specific division of the land; if they are unable to do so, the court will determine an appropriate division.