The leveling of a floor, wall, etc., or the creating of air spaces with thin strips of wood or metal before adding boards or plaster.
Narrow boards used to level out a wall, such as a foundation, before applying wallboard. Furring is also used to create air space or to make room for thicker insulation.
Strips of wood or metal applied to a wall or other surface to even it and normally to serve as a fastening base for finish material.
Strips of wood used as a leveling or nailing base for other members.
Narrow strips of wood or metal which are applied to walls, floors, ceilings, etc., as a means of leveling the area before applying the surface boards or laths.
Wood or metal strips as fastened to a surface (block wall) allowing an air space between the surface and the finished interior wall.
strip used to give a level surface for attaching wallboard
Lightweight wood or metal strips that even up a wall or ceiling for paneling or drywall. On masonry, furring provides a surface on which to nail.
Thin strips of wood used to level a surface.
Wood stripes used to even up an existing wall for the attachment of paneling.
nailing wood fillets on joists and rafters to strengthen them, or to make the surface straight and level to receive lath and plaster or fibrous slabs.
Lightweight strips of wood applied to walls to provide a plumb nailing surface for paneling or drywall. Home Improvement Encyclopedia
Strips of wood or metal attached to a wall or other surface to provide a fair and even surface for the attachment of another finished material such as wood paneling. If furring is attached to a finished surface, it encoraches into a tenant's usable area, requiring adjustment to apparent field dimensions.
A method of finishing the interior face of a masonry wall to provide space for insulation, prevent moisture transmittance, or to provide a level surface for finishing.
Falsework or framework necessary to bring the outer surface to where it needs to be.
A method of finishing the inside of a brick wall so as to provide an air space for insulation, to prevent transmittance of moisture and to level up irregularities in the wall surface. May consist of wood or metal strips attached to the wall to which sheet finishes are applied.
are thin strips of wood or metal applied to a wall or other surface to level the surface for latching, boarding or plastering.
A wooden or steel framing material, usually 1" x 3", used to provide an even nailing base. To “fur†a surface means to apply these strips.
Usually strips of metal or wood that are applied to a wall or other surface to even it out. Sometimes used to form an air space or even to give a wall a thicker appearance.
1. Wood or metal strips used to build out a surface such as a studded wall. 2. Narrow strips fastened to the walls and ceilings to form a straight surface upon which to lay the lath or other finish.
Wood or other material that is fastened to a surface prior to attaching wallboard or other wall covering panels and is used to provide a gap between the panels and the building surface. It also provides a level or plumb attachment plane for the panels and is installed with fasteners, adhesives or a combination of the two.
Stripping used to build out a surface such as a studded wall. Strips of suitable size are added to the studs to accommodate vent pipes, shower pans, tubs or other fixtures.
In light-frame construction, furring strips are long thin strips of wood used to make backing surfaces to support the finished surfaces in a room. Furring refers to the backing surface, the process of installing it, and may also refer to the strips themselves.