A registrar or secretary of the faculty in a department of a college, as in a medical, or theological, or scientific department.
The chief or senior of a company on occasion of ceremony; as, the dean of the diplomatic corps; -- so called by courtesy.
A university administrator, usually a member of the faculty, who serves as the administrative head of a college.
Very important people who can help students accomplish very important tasks such as identifying advisors, changing majors, altering final exam schedules and gaining permission to take leave of absence. The deans are: Dr. Robert Bartos, College of Education and Human Services, ext. 1373, Dr. Jack Benhart, College of Arts and Sciences, ext. 1151, Dr. Marion Shultz, Academic Programs and Services, ext. 1395, and Dr, Stephen Holoviak, John L. Grove College of Business, ext. 1173.
Latin decem, "ten" (Late Latin decanus, chief of ten soldiers, Late Latin Ecclesiastic for monks) -- the presiding official of a cathedral or collegiate church; a Roman Catholic priest chosen by his bishop to supervise a number of parishes within the diocese; the head administrator of a college or university. Deanery is the position, authority, jurisdiction, or official residence of a dean. Decanal is of a dean or deanery.
The head of a faculty or division of a college or university
title used for the resident clergyman of a cathedral; also used for the chief academic officer of a college or seminary. If the dean is ordained, the title "The Very Reverend" is appropriate; if the dean is a lay person, this title is not used.
In charge of welfare and discipline: not to be confused with the Dean of Graduates' or the Dean of Degrees'. He is aided by two Junior Deans who are usually graduate students of the College.
The head of each faculty.
Academic member of staff in charge of a faculty or department.
A dean is the highest administrative officer of a division, college or school. As examples, there are the Dean of the College of Arts and Letters, the Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics, and the Dean of the College of Professional Programs and Social Sciences. The dean reports directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Usually the head of a faculty. This term is also used to refer to the head of an important activity, such as the dean of research, or the dean of students.
The dean is a priest appointed by the Archbishop to promote and coordinate pastoral activity with a deanery. His specific duties are delineated in Canon 555.
the academic head of a Faculty.
prop n. He who deals with all disciplinary matters in college (and decides on the rules governing parties etc).
The administrative head of an academic department or student support division.
an administrator in charge of a division of a university or college
United States film actor whose moody rebellious roles made him a cult figure (1931-1955)
a man who is the senior member of a group; "he is the dean of foreign correspondents"
(Roman Catholic Church) the head of the College of Cardinals
a name commonly given someone with a senior role in an institution
The chief of the clergy on the staff of a cathedral; also the clerical head of a seminary.
The highest ranking academic official in a college (e.g., College of Education).
The head of a Faculty—meet yours at Imagine UBC.
Every major is affiliated with one of the University's five colleges. Each college has a head administrator known as the dean. There may be times when you will need the assistance of your dean's office for such things as certain types of course overrides and to apply for graduation.
(head of faculty): dekanas
Except in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, the term Dean does not, in Cambridge, indicate an academic office. The Dean is usually the College officer responsible for Chapel services, or in some cases, for College discipline.
The chief academic and administrative officer of a faculty.
the head of a school or a university or college faculty; may also be used to identify the head of student services.
A senior clergyman. The chief officer of a cathedral has the title "dean," as does the head of a seminary. The senior clergyman in a particular region of a diocese is called a "dean" or "rural dean." (The word comes from the Latin " decanus," meaning "officer in charge of ten men.")
head of the chapter in a collegiate or cathedral church cathedral dean is also the senior priest of the diocese.
A college administrator such as an academic dean who might head a college, overseeing degree programs and having the authority to grant exceptions to academic policy. A dean of students would work in student services.
chief administrative officer of a college.
The head of a faculty or the principal or director of a College (such as the Sydney Conservatorium of Music or the Sydney College of Arts).
A dean is the head of a Faculty.
head of faculty/division under which degree programmes are offered
Member of administrative staff responsible for supervision and management of a particular division of the college.
The head of a theological school or the priest in charge of a cathedral. The person should be addressed as Dean Jones, their title is The Very Reverend John Jones.
Director of an entire academic or administrative division of a college or a university.
In general, the Dean is the presiding priest of a cathedral, seminary or church college. The Dean of a Cathedral is vested with the authority of and responsibility for the conduct of the worship and the spiritual jurisdiction of the Cathedral, subject to the Rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer, the Constitution and Canons of the Church, and the pastoral direction of the Bishop. A Dean is to a cathedral like a Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer is to a corporation. He presides over meetings of the Vestry.
Senior academic officer of a school, college or division within the university.
the head of a faculty; the dean is responsible for the administration of the faculty and its academic and research pursuits.
The head of a Faculty, Department or School of Study
This person directs and controls the planning and development of the educational programs within an academic division. You may meet this person to discuss curriculum goals, course selection, and specific problems you may have withing that division. To learn the name and office location of the Dean of your Division, click here.
The elected or appointed supervisor of a district; the senior Priest at a Cathedral; the faculty head of a Theological Seminary.
A senior member of staff responsible for heading a faculty.
An administrative official who supervises a college at the University.
A college administrator, such as Dean of Students who is in charge of specified aspects of the college’s activities.
The highest officer of a division, college or school, such as Dean of the School of Education. Deans usually report directly to a provost, chancellor or the president of a college.
The head of a university department.
An administrator who is also a faculty member and who leads a school or college.
A dean is an administrator in charge of a school, college, regional campus, or division within the university. Examples include the Dean of the College of Education, the Dean of Students, and the Dean of Libraries.
The head of an academic division or an area within the College.
Head of a Faculty. For example, the Dean of Science is the Head of the Faculty of Science.
the dean of the Faculty of Science. The dean oversees all operations of the faculty and convenes meetings of 'Faculty Board'.
The head of a chapter of canons and administrator of a cathedral.
The head of the group of people running the cathedral (Chapter)
Director or highest authority of a professional school or college of a university.
A Dean provides academic leadership within a Faculty and chairs the Faculty Board. The Faculty Board is a sub-committee of the Academic Board.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Faculty
The head of a division, faculty, college, or school of a university
The Dean is the senior member of university staff, who is responsible for all matters concerning the operation of a faculty, including teaching.
The head of a chapter in a cathedral church, the leader of a seminary, or a designated member of a group of clergy.
In academic administration, a dean is a person with significant authority.