Preventive Services: Oral Evaluation, Routine Dental Cleanings, Fluoride Treatments, Sealants, Space Maintainer, Harmful Habit Appliance, Bitewing X-Rays.
Basic Services: Complete Series of X-Rays , New Fillings, Replacement Fillings, Simple Extractions, Certain Lab Tests, Pain Treatment, Therapeutic Drug Injections
Major Dental Services: Endodontics, Root Canal Therapy, Complex Oral Surgery, General Anesthesia, Minor Gum Disease Treatment, Provisional Splinting, Occlusal Adjustments, Scaling, Root Planing, Periodontal Maintenance, Major Gum Treatments, Gingivectomy, Osseous Surgery, Inlays, Onlays, Crowns, Fixed Partial Dentures, Partial and Complete Dentures and other major procedures.