The beginning phase of a chess game.
The first 3 or 4 moves for each player, which often determine positional advantages and disadvantages. See also 3-Move Openings and my openings page.
a) The first 10-15 moves of the game, when the PIECES are being DEVELOPED. b) A name given to a particular sequence of moves at the start of the game, like the Giuoco Piano or Ruy Lopez. Some may have the word 'Opening', 'Game', 'DEFENCE', 'ATTACK' or 'GAMBIT' attached to them.
A term referring to the scheduled beginning of a particular fishery. Openings may last only a matter of hours or up to a number of months.
The start of a game, incorporating the first dozen or so moves. The basic goals of an opening are to develop pieces as quickly as possible.
The beginning of the game where the most important things to do are 1) Activate your pieces off the back rank, 2) Be Safe (castle), and 3) Control the Center.
the first performance (as of a theatrical production); "the opening received good critical reviews"
the first of a series of actions; "he memorized all the important chess openings"
first or beginning; "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth"; "the play's opening scene"
a build you have in mind before you start the game
The opening is the beginning of the current trading session as designated by the exchange.
A term used for the first phase of the game before the middle game and endgame, in which players try to rapidly develop their pieces, gain room for their pieces to maneuver, and on bringing their kings to safety. Many promising opening lines of play are analyzed and documented extensively in texts and computer databases. Category: Glossary 1 visitor(s) thought this was helpful. Do you
The beginning part of a chess game. Also, a set of opening moves can be given a specific name for ease of reference, such as Ruy Lopez opening or Giuoco Piano opening.
The beginning phase of a game, usually the first 10-15 moves. It is characterized by rapid development of forces, control and/or occupation of the centre, and getting the king to safety. The real purpose of the opening is to create an imbalance in the enemy's camp, and development of pieces to exploit this imbalance.
The first part of a game, up to point where play deviates from known patterns.
That part of the text that introduces the subject. Usually the first sentence.
that phase of the game in which intelligence plays no part.
The period at the beginning of the trading session during which all transactions are considered made or first transactions were completed.
the first bid made in an auction.
The period at the beginning of the trading session at an exchange.
The position of stones on the board after the first couple of turns. Although many different opening positions are possible, only about a dozen or so appear frequently.
The beginning moves of the game, roughly the first 10-20 moves. In the opening players set up their pawn structure s and develop their pieces. The opening precedes the middle game. See Chess opening.
The period at the beginning of the trading session officially designated by the exchange during which all transactions are considered made ``at the opening''. Related: Close, the
adj. describing the period of play at the beginning of an innings, often meaning up to the fall of the first wicket. The opening partnership was worth 100 runs. adj. describing a batsman who opens the innings. adj. describing a bowler who bowls one of the first two overs in an innings. He's a dangerous opening bowler.
the first moves of a game where the players are completing their development.
The player who bets first is said to be opening. In some games, such as Texas Hold'em, the player to the left of the dealer always opens. In other games, such as 7-card stud, the player with the lowest up-card (after each player receives his first up-card) always opens. The first bet in 7-card stud is also known as the "bring-in."
At the beginning of a trading day, the price for a particular security or commodity. See: Delayed Opening; On The Opening Order
The first lead in the first trick of a hand. The high bidder always leads the first domino and calls trumps or other method of play at this time.