Point on the ground directly in line with the remote sensing system and the centre of the Earth.
The point of direction directly below the luminaire (0º angle).
Lowest point, usually used in reference to blood counts related to chemotherapy.
the point on the Earth directly below an orbiting satellite.
The bottom of the chart or fourth house cusp
The point on the celestial sphere directly opposite the zenith. The nadir is not visible because our view of it is blocked by the earth.
Point on the meridian opposite the midheaven. It is the midnight position of the sun. As cusp of the fourth house, it symbolizes the inner private being and one's personal and domestic space.
Cusp of the 4th house. This is one of the horoscope angles. The IC is thought to be a transformation point in the chart. See Horoscope Angles
The lowest measured value. Usually used in the context of evaluating the effect of chemotherapy or radiotherapy on the white blood cell and platelet count.
The point in the sky which is directly underfoot.
The point on an aerial photograph directly below the aircraft at the time of the exposure. This is the point from which radial displacement projects. On true vertical photography this is also the PP of the photograph.
the point at which a blood count drops to or closest to zero before beginning to increase
the point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite to the zenith.
The point directly below in the direction of the center of the earth. For spacecraft the arbitrarily defined 'down' direction. This is usually defined as the direction pointing toward the center of the primary body. Opposite of nadir is zenith.
That point on the Earth (or Moon) vertically below the observer.
a opposite point (or even like, counsel), in which a counsel of gravity extended downwards intersects the (invisible) celestial sphere
Lowest point reached, for example in a series of PSA values.
Point on the celestial sphere opposite the observer's zenith.
The second of the four major compass points of the horoscope, situated on the meridian near the cusp of the 4th House.
The point on the celestial sphere directly opposite the zenith and below an observer.
The exact opposite of the zenith - the celestial point directly beneath the observer's feet, and thus somewhat obscured by the Earth
the point directly underneath
The lowest point to which white blood cell or platelet counts fall after chemotherapy.
When observing the sky, the nadir is the point directly opposite of zenith and below of the observer (i.e. between the observer's feet).
That point on the celestial sphere directly opposite the zenith and directly below the observer. The lowest point.
The point on the ground vertically beneath the satellite.
Direction toward the center of the Earth. Opposite of zenith. Source: EPO.
The lowest point on a BG curve, often considered the same as the peak insulin reading.
The lowest point at which the blood counts drop after chemotherapy.
the lowest point PSA figure attained after treatment
point in the celestial sphere diametrically opposite zenith
The lowest point to which your blood platelets and white cells drop after chemotherapy.
A reference direction directly below a luminaire, or "straight down" (0 degree angle).
The direction from a spacecraft directly down toward the center of a planet. Opposite the zenith.
The lowest point that blood counts will fall after chemotherapy.
() The lowest point below the observer at which receding axes converge.
An imaginary line extending vertically down, directly below the photometric center of a luminaire or lamp; designated as 0° vertical angle. Nadir is the lowest point on the surface of a sphere.
The point in the sky (on the Celestial Sphere) directly below an observer.
the lowest point. The term is used to refer to the lowest CD4 T-cell count a person ever reached before the count increased due to anti-HIV treatment.
The lowest point, such as the blood count after it has been depressed by chemotherapy. When applied to drugs, the lowest concentration of a drug in the body.
lowest white blood cell count measured between chemotherapy treatments
In aerial photography, the point vertically beneath the perspective centre of the camera lens.
(A), the lowest possible point; in astronomy, that point of the celestial sphere which is directly below the point at which one stands.
The point on the ground vertically beneath the centre of a remote sensing system.
The lowest point of the celestial sphere; opposite to zenith.
The lowest point. Refers to the lowest blood glucose concentration on a bg curve.
Cusp of fourth house, Lower Meridien, Imum Coeli (IC).
The lowest point. Doctors sometimes use this as a verb to describe return of cancer or treatment failure.
The point at which your blood counts are at their lowest following cancer treatment.
period after chemotherapy treatment when blood counts are their lowest number.
The direction vertically downward (opposite to zenith)
The point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer. Opposite of zenith.
Nadir is the lowest point to which blood counts drop after chemotherapy. When referring to the nadir, doctors are usually referring to the nadir of a patient's white blood cell count, which usually occurs about 7 to 10 days after receiving chemotherapy.
The lowest PSA reading before it starts to rise, occurring some months after radiotherapy to cure prostate cancer.
The satellite viewing angle directly downward (viewing zenith angle = 0 degrees). Also used to refer to the sub-satellite point location.
The lowest point or peak. Refers to the lowest blood glucose point on the bg curve
Point on the ground vertically beneath the center of a remote sensing platform.
The doorway into the fourth house in an astrological chart. It represents a person's philosophical or moral foundation.
The point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected.
the lowest point possible
This is the point on the celestial sphere directly opposite the zenith, the highest point above the observer. The nadir is the lowest point on this sphere, located directly below the observer.
Antipodes. Fourth house in a natal chart represents Nadir.
The lowest level to which viral load falls after starting antiretroviral treatment. Studies have shown that the nadir of the viral load is the best predictor of long-term viral suppression.
The lower intersection of the prime vertical and the meridian, or the point on the celestial sphere directly beneath the observer, opposite the zenith. The nadir is in the horizonal coordinate system what the Imum coeli or lower midheaven is to the ecliptic coordinate system; the two cannot be used interchangeably. Source: Astro Index
The point on any given observer's celestial sphere diametrically opposite of one's zenith.
That point on the celestial sphere vertically below the observer, or 180 degrees from the zenith.
The point in the celestial sphere directly opposite the zenith; the point directly beneath an observer on Earth; the low point.
The nadir (from Arabic nazir, "opposite") is the astronomical term for the point in the sky directly below the observer, or more precisely, the point in the sky with an inclination of −90°.