research aimed at finding answers to questions out of theoretical interest or intellectual curiosity. 20
Research oriented toward expanding knowledge, rather than directed at solving a specific problem.
The systematic, intensive study, the primary aim of which is a fuller knowledge or understanding of the subject under study rather than a practical application.
Efforts, typically funded in RDT&E 6.1 Research category, intended to increase knowledge and understanding in science and engineering.
A scientific study done to create new knowledge for the purpose of learning or finding truth.
has the purpose of general increases in knowledge. No specific intent is required other than learning. The Basic Research may be narrowly focused on a particular filed of study, but there is no specific particular use that drives the direction of the research.
The scientific postulation, testing and discussion of principles of natural science, which does not have to be motivated by any practical application. Einstein's work was pure theoretical physics. His theories show best how basic research can become useful even if no practical application can be derived at first.
The investigation of the natural phenomena as contrasted with applied research.
is experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge of the underlying foundation of phenomena and observable facts.
Research aimed at gaining more comprehensive knowledge or understanding of the subject under study without specific applications in mind.
Research designed to increase knowledge about social behavior.
research conducted in a laboratory to understand how cancer develop, and to find new ways to prevent or treat cancer.
Studies that will extend knowledge and understanding in a particular field, without regard to potential application.
research that seeks to advance knowledge and theoretical understandings of the relationships among variables; research that seeks to discover general laws that influence certain behaviors. See: applied research.
Research whose goal is to increase the understanding of human behavior, often by testing hypotheses based on a theory.
done in the laboratory, basic research involves studying how cells work, how they communicate, how they know what to do, and what conditions and drugs make their functions more or less efficient. Scientists who conduct basic research test new treatments in animals to find out if they might be helpful or harmful to people.
Research that expands knowledge, rather than solving a specific, pragmatic problem.
focused, systematic study and investigation undertaken to discover new knowledge or interpretations and establish facts or principles in a particular field. See Research.
Research that can have many indirect commercial applications but that is not necessarily commercially applicable itself
Scientific research that seeks to discover how systems work and develop a base of knowledge that other scientists can use in order to achieve practical goals, such as treatments or cures for diseases.
Experimental or theoretical works mainly for obtaining new knowledge on the bases of phenomenon and observable facts, without applying them or giving them a determined use. Go up al principio del documento
Basic research is research that contributes to the more complete understanding of a subject area and is not necessarily directly applicable to the solution of a specific problem.
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