A small first study using the same methods that a researcher wants to use for a larger study; the pilot study shows how well those methods work.
A smaller-scale study preceding a full-scale study, designed to aid in the design of the full study.
A smaller version of a study used to test the validity of experimental procedures and measures.
A smaller version of a study is carried out before the actual investigation is done. Researchers use information gathered in pilot studies to refine or modify the research methodology for a study and to develop large-scale studies.
a model of your full research study but on a smaller scale
a "practice run", a small scale study
a preliminary (often "down and dirty") look at whether there is reason to study the question further
a small study conducted with the expectation that the experimental treatment will generate enough positive data to justify a Phase I study)
a small study without a control group, where again you follow patients from day one, as opposed to what we had done with the Kelley study where we were looking backwards
preliminary study to determine the feasibility of a larger study, test instrument, etc.
A small study conducted in advance of a large one, to test the feasibility of the large study or various doses of the study drug
A trial study carried out before a research design is finalised in order to assist in defining the research question or to test the feasibility, reliability and validity of the proposed study design.
Small-scale clinical trial designed primarily to evaluate the device and the study design before a multicenter trial is initiated
Small study, used to find out whether a larger-scale version would be useful.
an early, small-to moderate-sized study, also known as a Phase 2 study. A pilot study follows the Phase 1 study, or "safety study," and is designed to begin determining the effectiveness of the experimental treatment
Small pre-study before a clinical study.
A study which employs methods that are under evaluation for potential incorporation into the RMP.
Small study designed to test an idea or treatment prior to a larger clinical trial; also called feasibility study.
The initial study examining a new method or treatment.