An inquiry in which groups of individuals are selected in terms of whether they are or are not exposed to certain factors, and then followed over time to determine differences in the rate at which disease develops in relation to exposure to the factor. Also called cohort study.
Studies which evaluate participants at a specific timepoint, and undertake some intervention (a drug is given or a risk factor is removed, for example), then examine them later to see the effect of that intervention.
A study in which participants are identified and then followed forward in time.
in analytical epidemiology, a study where a population which is exposed to a presumed cause of disease is followed over a set period of time to monitor the appearance of the disease. A control group is also monitored to identify the cause and effect of infection. It is also known as a cohort study.
A study in which two groups of people - one exposed and one unexposed - are followed forward in time (prospective) to determine the possible linkage between exposure and health effects.
A study that investigats what hapens from now and onwards when giving a certain treatment. This is the best method of conducting a study of the effect of a new treatment.
By nature a long-term experiment, which plots the progression from an initial state to the particular state under examination. For example, how many first-time prisoners from a particular prison re-offend within one year of release? See also Retrospective study.
Any study done forwards in time. This is particularly important in studies on therapy, prognosis or harm, where retrospective studies make hidden biases very likely.
a particular form of longitudinal study in which the researcher predicts designs a study in which a certain outcome, at some later date, is predicted from a given intervention
A study that is designed ahead of time, in which study participants are selected, assigned to groups, and examined according to the design of the experiment. (See also retrospective study)
A clinical study, such as the STRENGTH trial, in which patients are recruited before the clinical outcome is known and are followed through the course of treatment.
A study that states what the objectives of the study are before acquiring patients.
Study design where one or more groups ( cohorts) of individuals who have not yet had the outcome event in question are monitored for the number of such events which occur over time. ( Prognosis, Harm)
An epidemiologic study in which a group of individuals (a cohort), all free of a particular disease and varying in their exposure to a possible risk factor, is followed over a specific amount of time to determine the incidence rates of the disease in the exposed and unexposed groups.
a study in which the investigators plan and manage the intervention of interest in selected groups of patients. As such, investigators do not know what the outcomes will be when they undertake the study. (Contrast with retrospective study.)
A study that depends on data collected prospectively from the time the study begins.
A study designed to follow participants forward in time, rather than retrospectively.
a study that looks forward in time. Patients are selected and their progression is followed. A prospective cohort study follows a specific group of people over a period of time. Contrast with retrospective study.
A research study looks forward in time, and follows events as they occur.
Epidemiological research that follows a group of people over a period of time to observe the potential effects of diet, behavior and other factors on health or the incidence of disease. In general, this is considered a more valid research design than retrospective research.
study in which participants are initially enrolled, examined or tested for risk factors (e.g., nutrient intake), and then followed up at subsequent times to determine their status with respect to the disease or condition of interest.
An analytic study designed to determine the relationship between a condition and a characteristic shared by members of a group.
A study designed before data are collected.
In this type of study, patients are chosen before treatment and observed during the period of treatment. In these studies, the type of patient to be studied and the information collected is decided upon before the study begins, so it is less biased than a retrospective study.
A type of research study in which participants are followed over time for the effect(s) of a health care treatment.
An epidemiological study which examines the development of disease in a group of persons determined to be presently free of the disease.