to cut off an unnecessary portion at the edges; -- of photographs and other two-dimensional images; as, to crop her photograph up to the shoulders.
To cut away pieces of a video stream without rendering; similiar to cutting a picture with scissors.
Common Relevant Operating Picture
Removes portions of selected, closed paths outside the area of the topmost, closed path. Stroke and fill attributes remain unchanged.
To cut off parts of a photo or image.
To make an image physically smaller by trimming away one or more edges. This reduces the dimensions of the image, and reduces the size of the computer file.
reduce in size by removing a part of the image.
In layout and imaging applications, to cut away a portion of an image.
Cutting out unwanted parts of a photo from around its edges. A digital zoom will perform this same operation.
To trim or discard one or more edges of an image in an image-editing program. Cropping can be done when taking a picture, by changing position (moving closer or farther away) to exclude parts of a scene.
To select a portion of the full-frame image as the final picture. Cropping is done in the darkroom or computer environment by the photographer, or by an appointed surrogate in a commercial photo lab.
Trimming or covering the borders of an image to improve the composition.
Adjusting the edges of an image, typically to improve composition.
In check imaging the term can refer to either the state of a damaged image or a software image handling method.
To trim one side or sides an image
To trim the edges of a picture or page to make it fit or remove unwanted portions.
The process of removing unwanted areas from around an image or printed page.
A tool available from the Tool Palette that allows you to cut unwanted edges from an image. Tool Palette button= looks like two squares (rulers with 90 degree angles) with the ends over lapping each other.
To cut an image, usually a photograph, down to size so that it fits into a prescribed space. To cut out unwanted portions from a photograph.
A stem cut off where it emerges from the laid hedge and left to act as a living stake. Also known as a cropper, pole or standard (Wales).
The act of marking specific areas (edges) of a photo or illustration that are not to be shown.
To change the composition of a picture by cutting part of it out. A picture may be cropped to remove undesired background, to create more impact or to adjust the photograph to available space on the printed page.
To cut the size of an illustration or photo in order to improve its appearance by removing extraneous areas or to cut the size of a photo to use only a section of it. Cropping is performed not by actually cutting, but by the printer masking, or covering, those unwanted areas. Crop marks are placed on the illustration or photo as a guide for the printer.
To delete unwanted portions of an image.
Originally the word crop as an alternative to haircut, without any specific meaning to the style of the cut. However it has come to be a description of hair that is cut very short with the hair hugging the head.
Using a tool (as in Photoshop or other painting program) to draw a line around the area of an image that you want, and "cropping" by clicking inside of the area. This procedure varies from program to program, but most of them have an option to adjust the canvas size or area of the image, which has the same effect.
To select a portion of an area to keep and remove the rest. Commonly used in visual work such iMovie and Photoshop. Can be used in audio production as well. Output Signal that is routed from a device.
To cut off portions of a graphic that you do not wish to display.
to reduce an illustration for reproduction by cutting out extraneous parts of the image.
cut short; "She wanted her hair cropped short"
cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
a shared time together with family or friends scrapbooking
To crop a photograph means to frame the image so that unwanted parts of the scene are excluded from the final print. It is best to crop the picture while taking the photo. Photographs can also be cropped when printing using the enlarger, or afterwards with a paper cutter.
This is enlarging a section of a photograph. This is routinely done to improve composition or to leave out parts of a photo that are important or distracting.
Marks Marks made on the outer edges of artwork to designate the area to be printed.
The area of a photo is reduced by cropping to a smaller portion of the photo, reducing distractions from images that may appear in the background.
To cut a photograph. This has become synonymous with a group getting together to scrapbook. An activity for scrapbooker's to gather and spend time scrapbooking.
This process blocks out unwanted areas of a photograph.
To remove a portion of a picture as noted by the crop marks.
To remove parts of an illustration or photograph.
Trimming or masking of photos/graphics/illustrations. Cropping may include changes in size.
To select part of an image, discarding the rest.
cutting away parts of an image to reduce image size or to get rid of parts you don't want.
To selectively eliminate portions of artwork.
Mostly done in a computer environment, such as Photoshop, unneeded parts of a photo or graphic are removed to focus on the intended elements.
Cropping a picture simply means to cut out a portion of the picture. For example, you may have extraneous details in your picture you do not want to display or print, so you "crop" it out. Notice, no enlargement is performed when you crop a picture. Often, you will read the term "100% crop" and all it means is that the photographer does not want to post the complete picture (could be 3MB+ in size) and so crops out the relevant part and post that as a "100% crop." No enlargement or reduction performed.
The removal of certain portions of an illustration, a photograph, or other similar type of graphic element. This may be done to better fit the image into the final design, or to remove any unwanted or unneeded graphic element.
To select part of an image and to discard the rest.
The process of changing a photograph's original size/dimension by trimming the edges or background. Cropped photos can help to place emphasis on the subject of the photo Cropping can also allow you to fit more photographs on a given page.
To decrease the size of a picture or illustration by cutting away areas from the surrounding sides.
To cut a portion of the art or copy
Cropping is a technique used to cut out a smaller portion of an original image to eliminate a portion of a photograph that you did not originaly intend to capture.
To trim unwanted parts of images.
To trim the shape or composition of a photo before it runs in the paper.
The removal of portions of a photograph or other original prior to platemaking.
picking out one part of a photograph to use
To eliminate unnecessary portions of artwork so that it may fit correctly on a page.
To trim or remove unwanted portions from the image in order to make it the proper proportion to the Postcard.
Portions of a photo or plate to be eliminated.
A crop is an event where scrap bookers meet to work on their scrapbooks, share tools and techniques.
Resize/resizing a graphic by trimming with the cropping tool.
An image processing method of removing the region near the edge of the image, but keeping a central area.
To trim away the edges or part of an image.
preferred size and location of the cropped image
A graphic photo formatting term: To trim the edges of a graphic image, removing part of the image.
to make (something) shorter or smaller, esp. by cutting; If you crop a photograph, you cut off some or all of the edges, leaving only the most important part.
To trim a photo or illustration. Cropping is used to fit a specific area, enhance a photo's features or eliminate the non-essential parts of a photograph.
To reduce the size of an image.
To trim or cut off part of an image or graphic. The function is usually located in photo editing software.
Originally from the verb “to crop”—as in trimming one's photos. Also used to describe an activity for scrapbookers to gather and spend time scrapbooking.
Cut down or mask an illustration.
to trim unwanted parts of an image - altering the boundaries of a finished photograph by trimming or masking the photograph• can be done manually with scissors or paper cutter or using image editing software• a scrapbook party where people work on their scrapbooks, share layouts, brainstorm new ideas• party hosted by a scrapbook expert who shares techniques, products and information with the group
To cut off parts of a picture or image.
A term used for a gathering of Scrapbookers to work on their albums, and page layouts...'A Crop'. Can also be a formally hosted event with an expert who shares techniques, products, and information with the group.
To cut or trim a photograph... to highlight a certain area, or cut out unwanted activity, or simply changing the photograph's shape.
To cut out portions of an illustration or photo so it fits into a certain area. You can also "crop out" any graphic elements that you don't want or need.
To eliminate a portion of a picture, illustration or photography that contains unnecessary material, or to highlight a certain area of the image.
To eliminate portions of original copy on the reproduced copy. Usually indicated by crop marks.
is to eliminate a portion of the art or copy as indicated by crop marks.
A club or get together of Scrapbookers.
To eliminate portions of an image showing portions to be eliminated.
Trimming portions from around the image in order to make it the proper proportion for your job.
To cover up portions of a graphic image that are not needed by adjusting its top, bottom, and side borders.
In computer graphics, to cut off the sides of an image to make it the proper size or to remove unwanted parts.
1. To cut, trim or blank out unwanted areas of an image. 2. An event where people gather to work on scrapbooks and other papercrafts.
To trim or remove unwanted portions from the image in order to make it the proper proportion for your job.
To trim an image to show only part of the original image. Cropping may involve determining the amount of white space to include around the image, as well as wrapping text around it.
Trimming a photo. Can also refer to a scrapbook party where one learns new and fun scrapbook techniques.
To eliminate portions of the copy, usually on a photograph or plate, indicated on the original by "cropmarks".
Essentially, to trim a photo.
This photo-editing feature helps you resize and reshape your photo by deleting any unwanted space or elements. This allows you to focus only on elements you want to include in your photo.
To eliminate portions of copy or a photograph. On a keyline "cropmarks" indicate the amount of trimming needed.
Trimming an image to fit a given space. Also this technique is used to eliminate unwanted parts of an image.
To cut off an edge or trim.
To eliminate portions of the copy, usually on a photograph, indicated on the original by crop marks
To trim the edges of an image, often to improve the composition. Cropping can be done by moving the camera position while viewing a scene, or by trimming the finished print.
1. To cut or trim off the unwanted portions of a photo, and 2. A social event where scrapbookers get together to work on their scrapbooking projects. Come out to one of our Crops and see what it's all about
To size and position an image in order to use a specific portion of the image. It simulates the old method of trimming photographs by hand on a cutting board.
The action of trimming away the unwanted parts of an image.
A tool used to trim away part of an image.
To cut off the edges of an image to make it smaller or to remove unwanted elements. Often called to clip in computer graphics programs.
A prepress term used to describe the elimination of portions or an image, usually on a photograph.
Trimming the photo to highlight a certain area or cut out unwanted activity.
Eliminate unwanted portions of a picture when it is output. Cropping is done according to a set of margins. See also: picture scale margins
To visually cut off parts of something so they do not appear within a picture.
To crop means to cut the pieces of an image that you don't need.
To cut a piece of copy or artwork to the size indicated on an original by cropmarks.
To eliminate portions of copy or photos by reducing the size.
To trim and remove a section of the video picture in order to make it conform to a different shape. Cropping is used in the pan & scan process, but not in the letterbox process.
to remove unwanted parts of a photo.
To eliminate outer portions of a photograph, illustration, or plate. Cropping is indicated on the original with crop marks.
The cutting or trimming of ear leather to encourage it to stand erect.
To cut off portions of the photo you don't wish to see. The ease with which the photographer can now crop and zoom a photo is, to many minds, one of the greatest single advantages of digital photography. Dintwise provides a special tool for cropping which is simple, fast and extremely accurate. Cropped areas are shown dimmed, which makes it really easy to adjust accurately. And of course, because of Dintwise' unique design, you save the settings rather than the photo (unless you want to) which means you can change your mind later and crop it quite differently or even uncrop it altogether
To trim an image or page.
1) Trimming your photos to eliminate unnecessary background 2) Girls Night Out - a get together where everyone scrapbooks, eats a little, and there's usually prizes involved
A "side" of leather with belly trimmed off, retaining both head and shoulder.
Crop or cropping refers to the process of positioning an image to ensure that unwanted portions of the image are removed during the printing process. Cropping is also a way to properly proportion your final artwork before approving your print job.
To cut the edges of an illustration to fit in a given space or to show a particular detail.
To select out an area of an image. Once an image is cropped, save the cropped version with a different name, retaining the original image.
To cut a portion of a picture, illustration or photograph that contains unnecessary material or to draw attention to a certain area of the image.
To eliminate portions of an illustration or photograph so the remainder is more clear, interesting, or able to fit the layout.
To edit photos by trimming off unwanted parts.
In order to eliminate portions of the copy, photograph or artwork, cropmarks are placed on the original or overlay to indicate which portions are to be eliminated. Careful cropping can save money in the final separation stage because color separations are billed for their final reproduction size on film, not just the portion being used at the printing stage.
To trim one or more of a picture's edges, or to place one or more of the edges of an image so that only part of a subject can be seen within the image. Often used to improve or redefine the composition or focal point of a work.
1. To trim or cut the excess out of a photo (ie. Too much sky or ground or somebody you don't know in the background). 2. A scrapbooking get together where everyone shares their ideas and socializes.
To cut or trim a photograph or a scrapbooking party hosted by an expert who shares techniques, products and information with the group.
To remove part of an image.
Remove the outer regions of an image.
A crop is a short hairstyle usually worn by women, with the hair cut very close to the head.