Harvested forage such as alfalfa hay.
Product such as alfalfa and certain grasses which are cut, baled and fed to animals.
Dried grass used for animal feed. It is cut, left to dry in the field and then baled. It is fed to livestock through the winter when fresh grass not available. Nowadays rarely used except for horses as it's production is unreliable in the UK climate. See our stock and crops pages for more details.
grass or clover that is cut while still green and used as a fodder or mulch. Tall Grass Dürer, Albrecht Buy this Art Print at AllPosters.com
Dried feed consisting of the entire plant. Alfalfa, clover, grass, and oat hay are used in dairy rations.
The product of harvested forages.
The product of any of a variety of perennial crops, typically grasses or legumes, that can be used a feed for ruminant animals.
Similar to "grass," only more so.
Entire herbage of forage plants, sometimes including seed of grasses and legumes, that is harvested and dried for animal feed.
Livestock feed made from grasses that have been cut and dried so they can be stored without molding.
Grass that is cut and allowed to dry naturally in fields before being baled. This is stored and fed to livestock over the winter. It is less used now due to the unreliablility of the weather and relatively low feed value.
Pasture or crop material (usually clover, fine stemmed grasses or Lucerne) that is dried to about 20% moisture content and baled and stacked for animal roughage.
Grass that has been cut, left to dry in the field and then baled.
Odor and taste like dried grass.
A sweet clover odour. Represented in perfumery by Coumarin.
Hay is dried grass or legumes cut and used for animal feed, particularly for grazing animals like cattle, horses, goats and sheep. It is fed when or where there is not enough fresh grass or when fresh grass by itself is too rich for easy digestion by the animal. Pigs may be fed hay, but they do not digest plant fiber very efficiently.