An image that uses mathematical objects (vectors) to describe its characteristics, rather than a grid (bitmap). Vector graphics are often used for type and bold graphics such as logos, because they can be scaled to any size without distortion.
A graphic image formed by a series of points joined by angles and curves, which can be filled with colours and blends. As the picture is made from mathematical formula, it is not dependent on resolution (see Bitmap Graphic) therefore it can be scaled to infinity as a computer can recalculate the mathematical formula for any size.
A computer graphic made up of a mathematical description of lines, fills, and shapes. Vector graphics can not be used to represent objects such as photographs; instead, they are used to represent objects with smooth lines and hard edges, such as logos or text. Since vector graphics are not made up of PIXELS, they can be resized, stretched, or enlarged indefinitely with absolutely no loss of quality. Vector graphics are created in a drawing program such as Adobe Illustrator. Contrast RASTER GRAPHIC.
a graphic made up of mathematically defined curves and line segments called vectors. Vector graphics can be edited by moving and resizing either the entire graphic or the lines and segments that compose the graphic. Vector graphics can be reduced and enlarged (zoomed in and out) with no loss of resolution.
Unlike JPEGs, GIFs, and BMP images, vector graphics are not made up of a grid ...
An image composed of individual elements, e.g., arc, line, polygon, with their own attributes that can be individually edited. A drawing-type package is usually required to display such vector images.
An image stored and displayed in terms of vectors instead of points. A vector image is defined by lines and mathematical calculations (rather than pixels such as in a bitmap). Images created in vector based programs such as Illustrator or Freehand allow a designer to resize images easily without loss of quality.
a graphic drawn as lines, polygons and text
a mathematical definition of an image
A graphics format that uses shapes and lines, called paths. Vector graphics are resolution independent graphics that appear smooth and crisp regardless of how magnified the image is on screen. They also can be enlarged as big as you want them without having jagged edges. This format is best for line art and logos that don't require complicated coloring or textures.
A graphic image where the graphic elements are defined using co-ordinate geometry, enabling them to be scaled each time they are used without loss of resolution. Each of the entities (eg lines, circle etc) in a vector graphic can be manipulated individually.
Graphic (such as a metafile, .WMF) stored as a set of instructions describing how to draw the graphic rather than as a series of pixels (such as a bitmap).
Also referred to as object-oriented, as elements within an image can be grouped together and considered by the software as individual “objects”. The detail of the image remains the same whether small in size or scale d larger.
A graphic image drawn in shapes and lines, called paths. Images created in Illustrator and Freehand (graphic design software) are vector graphics. They are usually exported to be bitmap images.
Unlike pixel graphics which save individual pixels, vector graphics save the starting point, the length and the direction of lines and curves. This saves disk space. Most notably, vector graphics can be increased or decreased in size without decreasing the quality of the graphic. Macromedia Flash is one application that is vector-based.
A type of digital image where straight lines and curves are encoded mathematically so that they can be scaled indefinitely and remain sharp. Another major advantage over bitmapped images is much smaller file size. The industry-leading vector graphic software for print media is Adobe Illustrator and for web graphics Macromedia Flash.
An image created based on mathematical formulas rather than by an array of dots. Vector images look cleaner when they're enlarged or shrunk because the mathematical formulas on which they're based redraw the images to scale. See also Raster graphic.
Graphical image based on a mathematical specification of geometric elements. Vector graphics scale cleanly to any size.
Vector graphics are drawn in paths. This allows the designer to resize images freely without getting pixilated edges as is the case with bitmapped images. The vector format is generally used for in printing while the bitmap format is used for onscreen display.
A graphic file composed of mathematically defined curves and lines; referred to as vectors. Vector images are resolution independent because the image can be resized without losing detail since the data is stored mathematically, not as pixels. A good format for images composed of sharp lines and edges. Not a good format for storing gradual changes in tone. Compare to bitmap image.
A graphic that is stored as a set of mathematical instructions that describe the color, outline, and position of all the shapes of the image.
A graphic which is described mathematically, as a series of points, lines, fills, etc. Because of this, vector graphics are infinitely scalable. Typical vector graphic programs include Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, and Macromedia Flash.
A graphic file format that stores its data as mathematical equations which define the various lines and curves.
A graphic image drawn in shapes and lines, called paths allowing for easier scaling and storage. Images created in Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand (vector graphic design programs) are vector graphics.
An image generated from mathematical descriptions that determine the position, length, and direction in which lines are drawn. Vector graphics are created as collections of lines rather than as patterns of individual dots or pixels.