food of a ruminant regurgitated to be chewed again.
Bolus of feed a ruminant animal regurgitates for further chewing.
the food that an ungulate regurgitates or brings back up to its mouth to chew again
a wad of something chewable as tobacco
Bolus of feed that cattle regurgitate for further chewing.
the thicker material that floats to the top of the rumen; the material a ruminant re-chews
a mouthful of regurgitated food rechewed and swallowed by the ruminant. The stuff that sheep are chewing while they are hanging out. Happy healthy sheep spend a good portion of the day and night chewing cud, breaking it down so that the bacteria in the rumen part of the stomach can get the nutrients out of the feed.
swallowed food brought up for rechewing by a ruminant
A bolus of regurgitated food.
Half-digested food returned from a ruminant's first stomach to its mouth for more chewing.