Cardia (in Greek KαÏδια), anciently the chief town of the Thracian Chersonese (today Gallipoli peninsula), was situated at the head of the gulf of Melas (today Saros bay). It was originally a colony of the Milesians and Clazomenians; but subsequently, in the time of Miltiades (late 6th century BC), the place also received Athenian colonists, as proved by Miltiades tyranny (515–493 BC). But this didn't make Cardia necessarily always pro-Athenian: when in 357 BC Athens took control of the Chersonese, the latter, under the rule of a Thracian prince, was the only city to remain neutral; but the decisive year was 352 BC when the city conluded a treaty of amity with king Philip II of Macedonia.