A description of all the components, including the deck that make up a roof.
A system designed to provide weather protection and resistance to design loads. The system consists of a roof covering and roof deck or a single component serving as both the roof covering and the roof deck. A roof assembly includes the roof deck, vapor retarder, substrate or thermal barrier, insulation, vapor retarder and roof covering.
A roof assembly shall be considered to be all roof/ceiling components of the building envelope through which heat flows, thus creating a building transmission heat loss or gain, where such assembly is exposed to outdoor air and encloses conditioned space. The gross area of a roof assembly consists of the total interior surface of all roof/ceiling components, including opaque surfaces, dormer and bay window roofs, treyed ceilings, overhead portions of an interior stairway to an unconditioned attic, doors and hatches, glazing, and skylights exposed to conditioned space that are horizontal or sloped at an angle less than 60° from the horizontal.
A system designed to provide weather protection and resistance to design loads. The system consists of a roof covering and roof deck, or a single component serving as both the roof covering and roof deck. The roof assembly includes Trusses, or roof joists, the roof deck (often plywood,) a vapor 'barrier,' a thermal barrier, insulation and roof covering to keep out the heat or cold, rain and sun.
All roof/ceiling components of the building envelope that are horizontal or sloped at an angle less than 60 degrees from the horizontal through which heat flows, thus creating a building transmission heat loss or gain.
A term used to describe all of the roof components including structural roof deck, insulation, membrane and flashings.
an assembly of interacting roof components (includes the roof deck, vapor retarder [if present],insulation, and roof covering).
an assembly of interacting roof components (including the roof deck) designed to weatherproof and, normally, to insulate a building's top surface.