is also known as Chinese parsley or coriander. It is frequently used as a seasoning in many dishes, both fresh and dried.
Also known as Coriander and Chinese Parsley. This herb is often used in Chinese and Mexican cooking. It resembles and is often used like parsley. The seeds of this aromatic plant are often dried and used as spices (whole or ground). Its flavor is reminiscent of slightly burnt oranges.
Cilantro is widely used in Asian, Caribbean and Latin American cuisine and is very distinctive in flavor. Both the leaves and the stems can be used in fresh or cooked dishes.
Corriander leaves or a herb, Geringium foetidum, from Costa Rica, Dominica and Mexico with a similar flavour to coriander.
A pungent green herb used in Mexican food cooking, Indian and Central Asian recipes. The seed produced at full maturity is coriander .
Name for a pungent herb. Coriandrum sativum available in Hispanic markets. Chinese parsley is the name for it in Asian stores.
is the green, feathery leaf of the coriander herb. It looks like parsley and has a strong, lemony flavor.
sih-LAHN-troh, see-LAHN-troh] An herb that is a common ingredient and garnish in Mexican cooking, especially since the flavor goes well with spicy dishes. These dark green leaves have a very pungent flavor and aroma. Also known as Chinese parsley.
Old World herb with aromatic leaves and seed resembling parsley
parsley-like herb used as seasoning or garnish
The American term for coriander
A pungent, leafy herb resembling flat-leaf parsley. Cilantro is sometimes called Chinese parsley, Coriander, or Mexican parsley. It is available fresh or dried. Recipe: Fresh Salsa Recipe
a pungent green herb used in salsas, etc; the seeds are coriander.
Also called Chinese Parsley or Coriander
This fragrant herb is ubiquitous in Mexico and has become so indispensable that it's hard to imagine Mexican food without it.
A popular herb that has a citrus or soapy taste depending on our taste
Corriander. An herb used all over Mexico for Mexican food seasoning.
Chinese parsley or coriander is also known as cilantro. The Malay name for it is daun ketumbar. It is a pungent herb that is widely used in Thai, Indian and Oriental cooking and Asian salads.
The dark green lacy leaves of the cilantro plant; used as an herb, they have a sharp, tangy fresh flavor and aroma and are used fresh in Mexican, South American and Asian cuisines; also known as Chinese parsley.
the fresh, aromatic leaves of the coriander plant, often used in Mexican, Asian and Indian cooking. It is sometimes labeled coriander or Chinese parsley.
Somewhat similar in appearance to parsley, but its distinctive, sharp flavor is what is used to make salsa.
also known as fresh coriander; thin-leafed bright green herb; similar in appearance to Italian parsley
sometimes called coriander. Whole seed or ground, goes savory and sweet. Fresh cilantro is tangy and very similar to parsley.
Fresh cilantro is extremely effective in helping flush heavy metals out of the blood. Taking 400 mg of cilantro a day can dramatically reduce the level of heavy metals (particularly mercury) in the body in just 2-3 weeks.
Also known as Chinese parsley, cilantro refers to the dark green leaves of the coriander plant. Cilantro has a lively, sharp fresh flavour that is very distinctive.
A plant native to the Mediterranean and the Orient. It is related to the parsley family and is valued for both its leaves and its seeds--both of whose flavors bear no resemblance to each other.
Leaves of coriander plant, also referred to as Chinese parsley. Used as a garnish.
An herb resembling parsley cilantro has a very distinctive flavor which often inspires either euphoria or disgust. These leaves and stems of the coriander plant are commonly used in the cuisines of Southeast Asia Africa India Latin America and the Caribbean. They are used to treat fever digestive ills coughs headaches and nausea.
A green herb, similar in appearance to parsley. Also sold dry as seeds, leaves and ground. Also known as Coriander. An essential ingredient to Asian and Mexican dishes. Also called Chinese parsley because it is used so ubiquitously in Chinese cooking, it can be found in Asian as well as Mexican markets and most large supermarkets.