A small kind of onion (Allium Ascalonicum) growing in clusters, and ready for gathering in spring; a scallion, or eschalot.
a member of the onion family, with a garlic-like head consisting of several cloves. Its flavour is milder than other onions.
An onion with multiple cloves that resemble garlic. The papery skin that covers the bulbs ranges in color from beige to purple and should be removed. Shallots and onions can be used interchangeably.
A small hard onion "Allium cepa" Aggregatum Group which grows in clusters, usually stronger flavored than the onion. The green leaves may be harvested for use as a flavoring. Also spring onion.
is the small member of the onion family, with papery brown skin, purple-tinged white flesh, and a flavor resembling a cross between sweet onion and garlic. Look for firm, well-shaped heads that are not sprouting. Store in a cool, dry place for up to 1 month. Shallots pickled in vinegar figure prominently in Asian recipes.
aggregated bulb of the multiplier onion
type of onion plant producing small clustered mild-flavored bulbs used as seasoning
A bulb related to the onion and garlic. Shallots have a mild onion-like flavor.
an ancient multiple bulb onion first noted before 300 BC by the Greeks and used traditionally in French cooking (eg: Bernaise Sauce). Can be substituted by spring green onions. ( Sautéed Mushrooms)
A mild-flavored member of the Allium or onion family, the shallot grows in heads containing various numbers and sizes of cloves. Each clove is covered with a papery skin that varies in color from light brown to a russet similar to the skin of yellow onions. Shallots are used in many French sauces and wherever a subtle onion flavor is desired.
is a small mild-flavored onion- or garlic-like clustered bulbs used for seasoning.
The mild-flavored cousin to the onion, chive, leek, and garlic. The bulb is edible and is used like onions or garlic. The green tops are harvested and marketed as "scallions."
small, mild flavored onionlike bulbs
A member of the onion family shallots often have a pinkish tinge and are more delicate in flavour than some onions when cooked. Shaped like cloves of garlic.
A bulbous herb whose flavor resembles an onion. In some areas the term applies to the green tops as well as the bulb. They are called "scallions" or "green onions" elsewhere.
Shallot, as the word is commonly used, or eschallot in some countries, refers to two different Allium species of plant. The French grey shallot or griselle, which has been considered to be the "true shallot" by many, is Allium oschaninii, a species which grows wild from Central to Southwest Asia.