Spices are highly aromatic seasonings that come from the seed, root, bark and buds of plants, while herbs are obtained from the leaves and stems. Spices generally give food a very strong taste and energy, and should be used sparingly and wisely, as overuse can over-stimulate the nervous system, causing irritability and excessive aggression. However, sparing use of herbs can be vary helpful in getting energy moving when stagnant or stuck. Spices become stale when kept for more than six months, so it is advisable to buy spices in small quantities that you will use in that time period. Store herbs in well-sealed containers in a cool,dark place to retain potency.
Any of several vegetable substances, such as clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper, etc., used to season food: spices are usually dried for use and have distinctive flavors and aromas. Used in Chandler's Soaps products.