universal transverse mercador[269
means universal trans‑ mecator which is a square grid system of map position
A commonly used projected coordinate system that divides the globe into 60 zones, starting at -180° longitude. Each zone extends north-south from 84° North to 80° South, spans 6° of longitude, and has its own central meridian.
universal traverse mercator width
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM is a projected coordinate system that divides the world into 60 north and south zones, six degrees wide.
niversal ransverse ercator - A commonly used map projection developed by the U.S. Army. It is based upon the Transverse Mercator projection.
(Universal Transverse Mercator) - A metric rectangular coordinate system popular with GPS users. In the UTM system, the globe is divided into 60 zones, each of which is 6° of longitude wide, starting at the International Date Line and going east. UTM coordinates consist of the zone number, an "easting" (distance in meters or kilometers east of the western edge of the zone), and a "northing" (distance in meters or kilometers north of 80° south). In polar regions the UTM is replaced by its polar equivalent, the UPS system.
Universal Transverse Mercator map projection. A commonly used planar coordinate system developed by the U.S. Army that divides the Earth into 60 zones, each covering 6 degrees of longitude.
Universe Transverse Mercator
Universal Transverse Mercator. A system of plane coordinates based upon 60 north-south trending zones, each 6 degrees of longitude wide, that circle the globe. Used to derive geographic coordinates, normally in meters, east and north of an origin that are defined uniquely grid for each zone.
Universal Transverse Mercator. A nearly worldwide coordinate projection system using north and east distance measurements from reference point(s). UTM is the primary coordinate system used on U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps.
Universal Transverse Mercator MT Vehicle Miles Traveled
Universal Transverse Mercator; the most frequently used (in GIS) map projection system. A series of north-south zones are established, and locations are designated in terms of distance in metres east of the western edge of the zone, and north or south of the equator.
Universal Transverse Mercator. A widely used geographic coordinate system. See Chapter 6.
Universal Transverse Mercator, A type of map projection. The grid lines you see on a USGS Quads represent a map projection known as Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), and are 1000 meters apart. See map projections
Universal Transverse Mercator - A rectangular metric mapping coordinate system used instead of latitude and longitude. UTM grid zone map: www.dmap.co.uk/utmworld.htm.
Universal Transverse Mercator grid; a coordinate system present on most topographic maps, used for quantitative descriptions of locations.
Universal Transverse Mercator, more information ...
universal transverse mercator. a metric coordinate system commonly used for mapping at scales of 1:50,000 or larger. Satellite imagery is usually supplied in UTM coordinates because it provides georeferencing at high levels of accuracy for the entire grid.
Universal Transverse Mercator. Transverse Mercator Projection
Universal Transverse Mercator: A metric grid system consisting of 60 zones to cover the earth's surface.
Universal Transverse Mercator, a common map projection used for geographic data
Universal Transverse Mercator. The UTM is a map projection system that divides the earth into 60 long strips (called zones) that are six degrees longitute in width. These are then subdivided into a grid that uses a central vertical line as its east-west reference (called Easting). Depending upon which hemisphere a location is in, the UTM uses either the Equator or the South Pole for its north-south reference (called Northing). The measuring units are in meters.
A widely used map projection that employs a series of identical projections around the world in the mid-latitude areas, each spanning six degrees of longitude and oriented to a meridian. This projection is characterized by its conformality, that is, it preserves angular relationships and scale plus it easily allows a rectangular grid to be superimposed on it. Many worldwide topographic and planimetric maps at scales ranging between 1:24,000 and 1:250,000 use this projection.
Universal Transverse Mercator; a simple and accurate system for specifying a point between 80 degrees South latitude and 84 degrees North latitude on surface of Earth.
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates define two dimensional, horizontal, positions. Each ZONE in UTM is given a number from 00 to 59 starting at the International Date Line and progressing east. UTM also divides each zone horizontally as well. These divisions start at the equator and are 8 degrees wide. The first half of the alphabet is used for the Southern Hemisphere while the second half is used for the Northern Hemisphere. Thus a point just above the hemisphere would be the letter N proceeding to the letter X at the north pole, while just below it would be an M and proceeding backwards to the letter C at the south pole.
Universal Transverse Mercator. A grid system that splits the earth into 60 sections each of which is 6 degrees wide. Coordinates, called eastings and northings, are relative to the equator and a zone meridian. UTM is the primary coordinate system used on U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps.
A standardized coordinate system based on the metric system and a division of the earth into sixty 6-degree-wide zones. Each zone is projected onto a transverse Mercator projection, and the coordinate origins are located systematically. Both civilian and military versions exist.
Universal Transverse Mercator. International series of Transverse Mercator projections in which the central meridians are aligned with meridians of longitude. The series divides the globe into 60 zones of 6 degrees longitude.