Life Cycle Assessment (Kostenanalyse, die die gesamte Produktlebensdauer umfasst)
Life cycle assessment. a quantification of the level of energy and raw materials used as well as the solid, liquid and gaseous wastes produced at every stage of a product's life or process. LCA can be conducted for a whole process or for part of a process. Conducting an LCA can be complicated, therefore it is important to set boundaries for the study.
Life-Cycle Assessment An LCA has three main elements: Investigation of emissions from and consumption of resources for manufacture and use of a product from ³cradle to grave², i.e. from recovery of the raw materials to production and use of the product until it is disposed of as waste. Assessment of derived environmental impacts. Assessment of opportunities to implement environmental improvements in the production system. The investigation phase is called a Life-Cycle Inventory (LCI). The results of an LCI are an environmental profile of the product which states how and how much the environment is affected by manufacture and use of one unit of the product.
Life Cycle Analyses is a scientific method to investigate the impact of a material - or a method - on the environment during its whole life, in a certain application, from the use of raw materials and energy until the deposit after use. In that way the environmental impact of different materials (e.g. PVC, PET and glass) or different methods (e.g. one-way and return) for the same purpose (e.g. mineral water packaging) can be compared.
Life Communicators Association. An international professional organization of men and women employed by life insurance companies as communications practitioners in advertising, sales promotion, internal company communications and public relations.
Landscape Character Assessment. A survey of the landscape to identify the development capacity of different types of landscape, and appropriate maintenance and enhancement measures. Will supersede SLAs.
Landscape Character Assessment. Assessments undertaken nationally by Scottish Natural Heritage which define the strategic elements which make up the landscape character of the area.
Landscape Character Assessment. Used to describe and map the landscape and provide information on which judgements can be made about what is important and why.
Life Cycle Assessment. A management tool for appraising and quantifying the total lifetime environmental impact of a product or activity, by analyzing the entire life cycle of the materials, processes, products, technologies, services or activities it involves. Life Cycle Assessment has three components – inventory analysis, impact analysis and improvement analysis.
Life Cycle Analysis. The assessment of a product's full environmental costs, from raw material to final disposal, in terms of consumption of resources, energy and waste.
Life cycle assessment. is an objective process to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with a product, process, or activity by identifying energy and materials used and wastes released to the environment, and to evealuate and implement opportunities to affect environmental improvements.
Life Cycle Assessment. An assessment of the total environmental impact of a product during its entire life cycle, including production, materials, energy and water consumption, detergents, end-of-life treatment, etc.
Life Cycle Analysis Life Cycle Analysis explained
Life Cycle Assessment. Life cycle assessment is a specific method for systematically identifying, quantifying and assessing inputs and outputs (i.e. sources of environmental impact) throughout a product's lifecycle. It is one of a range of tools that support life cycle management, but is not a prerequisite for life cycle management.(Environment Canada - Environmental Life Cycle Management: A Guide To Better Business Decisions)
Life cycle assessment. Evaluation of the environmental impact of the entire life cycle of a product. LCA is a tool for evaluation of opportunities for environmental improvements.
life cycle analysis. A quantitative approach that assess a product's impact on the environment throughout its life. LCA attempts to quantify what comes in and what goes out of a product from “cradle to grave,†including the energy and material associated with materials extraction, product manufacture and assembly, distribution, use and disposal and the environmental emissions that result. LCA applications are governed by the ISO 14040 series of standards (
Life Cycle Assessment/Analysis. A method of evaluating the environmental impact of a product ‘from cradle to grave', including how it's made, how it's used and how it's disposed of.
Life Cycle Assessments are part of the Product Stewardship process to track the life cycle impact of our products.
Life cycle assessment. Systematic set of procedures for compiling and examining the inputs and outputs of materials and energy and the associated environmental impacts directly attributable to the functioning of a product or service system throughout its life cycle.
Life Cycle Analysis. A method for determining the environmental performance of a product, from cradle to grave, including the depletion of resources and the release of polluting and harmful substances and their impacts, both at the local and global scale.
Life Communicators Association. An international organization of professional life insurance communicators, whose membership includes persons with responsibilities in the fields of advertising, company communications, marketing, public relations, and sales promotion.
Life Cycle Assessment. A tool to produce environmental performance data for a product or system which usually includes all the product's life cycle stages through to end of life recycling and disposal.
a technique to examine the entire life of a product, from the extraction of raw materials through manufacture to final disposal.
life cycle analysis ( of a product, i.e. manufacture, distribution, use, etc.)