a product-centred approach to environmental protection. Also known as extended product responsibility (EPR), product stewardship calls on those in the product life cycle - manufacturers, retailers, users, and disposers - to share responsibility for reducing the environmental impacts of products. By rethinking their products, their relationships with the supply chain, and the ultimate customer, some manufacturers are dramatically increasing their productivity, reducing costs, fostering product and market innovation, and providing customers with more value with less environmental impact (adapted from the USEPA website). "Design for the environment" can form part of product stewardship.
Is the shared responsibility that all stakeholders, from designers and manufacturers through to consumers and beyond, have to manage waste generated during a products life-cycle of manufacture and use, through to and including its ultimate disposal and post-disposal consequences.
denotes the responsible management of the health, safety and environmental aspects of the basic configuration of a business in terms of a product throughout its life-cycle and / or the investment and operations to produce a process or provide a service.
all parties who have a role in designing, producing, selling, or using a product shall assume responsibility for the environmental impacts of a product throughout its life.
A responsible product management process.
is a process that encourages producers, brand owners, importers and consumers to help manage the environmental effects of their products and services throughout their life cycle.
Sometimes called "Extended Product Responsibility", it is the notion that agents along a product chain should share responsibility for the life-cycle environmental impacts of the product, including those associated with ultimate disposal.
Part of the sustainability management system. Includes working with customers and ensuring safety in terms of product use and disposal.
An environmental management strategy saying that those who design, produce, sell or use a product take responsibility for minimizing that product's environmental impact through all stages of the product life cycle.
Product Stewardship is the responsible and ethical management of the health, safety and environmental aspects of a product throughout its total life cycle. Product Stewardship is Responsible Care applied to products. More...
A method whereby producers and users of goods share responsibility for managing the environmental impacts of those goods and services throughout their life cycle. This includes minimising wastes at each stage of the life cycle, and disposing of any residual wastes in an environmentally acceptable manner.
Product stewardship is a concept whereby environmental protection centers around the product itself, and everyone involved in the lifespan of the product is called upon to take up responsibility to reduce its environmental impact.http://www.epa.gov/epr/ The United States Environment Protection Agency For manufacturers, this includes planning for, and if necessary, paying for the recycling or disposal of the product at the end of its useful life. For retailers and consumers, this means taking an active role in ensuring the proper disposal or recycling of an end-of-life product.