Department of Labor under Labor Management Recording and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) for the Office Labor-Management Standards (OLMS). Federal Government agency. (Go to the DOL home page)
Department of Labor. the non-tax (regulatory and administrative) provisions of ERISA are administered by the Department of Labor.
See "New York State Department of Labor" or "New York State Department of Law"
Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) deals with issues related to the American workforce – including topics concerning pension and benefit plans. Through its branch agency the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, the DOL is responsible for administering the provisions of Title I of ERISA, which regulates proper administration of plans.
Department of Labor. administrative government body with whom Applications for Alien Labor Certification (employment- based immigration) and Labor Condition Applications (H-1B petitions) are filed.
U.S. Department of Labor.... Add a comment
Department of Labor - federal department that oversees issues relating to workplace safety and health, pensions and benefit plans, employment and other issues related to the American workplace.
Department of Labor. The Department of Labor administers the non-tax (regulatory and administrative) provisions of ERISA. The Department issues opinion letters and other pronouncements, and requires certain information forms to be filed.
Department of Labor. Administrative agency of the federal government charged with administering and enforcing employment laws.
The Department of Labor, a federal executive department established in 1913 and charged with administering and enforcing statutes that promote the welfare of U.S. wage earners, improve their working conditions, and advance their opportunities for profitable employment.
U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA is a part of DOL.
U.S. Department of Labor (Federal Agency)
Department of Labor HBTS Home Based Therapeutic Supports - Children's Services
Department of Labor, U.S. federal department overseeing employment and labor issues.
Department of Labor. is the U.S. government agency involved with many types of employment-based green cards. The DOL receives applications for Labor Certifications and decides whether or not there is a shortage of American citizens available to fill a particular position in a U.S. company.
Department of Labor. Through its oversight of Labor certification process, it is responsible for providing determinations as to the availability of qualified American workers for positions offered in many of the employment-based categories.
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. The United State epartment abor serves as the oversight body to the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.
Department of Labor. Cabinet-level agency which enforces laws protecting workers, promotes labor-management cooperation, sponsors employment training and placement services, oversees the unemployment insurance system, and produces statistics on the labor force and living conditions.
U.S. Department of Labor. OSHA and MSHA are part of the DOL.
the Department of Labor and the agency responsible for the Office of Workers Compensation Program (OWCP).
Department of Labor. The DOL is the federal government agency in charge of enforcing the Fair Labor Standards Act. If a person does not want to hire a private attorney to enforce their rights, the DOL may be able to assist the employee, though the DOL does not always bring suit on behalf of employees.