the group of workers represented by a particular union and covered by a union contract. This unit may include all the workers in a single office or in a number of offices, or it may include only the workers in a single department. The final unit is determined by the NLRB, or agreed to jointly by the union and the employer.
A group of unionized employees. see also unit.
A group of employees in a given workplace who have a sufficient similarity of interest to constitute a unit for the purpose of bargaining collectively with their employer. A bargaining unit is usually defined by the National Labor Relations Board, or similar federal, state or local agency.
A group of employees who share a unionized workplace, perform like job duties, and likely share similar interests when it comes to pay, hours and other working conditions. A bargaining unit typically works under a collective bargaining agreement.
The group of employees in positions determined by the Public Employment Relations Commission ( PERC) to constitute a unit represented by an employee organization (labor union) and appropriate for bargaining purposes.
a group of workers in a craft, department, plant, firm, industry or occupation, determined by a labour relations board or similar body. Page 146
In GEMS, indicates an employee's eligibility to be in a bargaining unit (i.e., covered by a collective bargaining agreement) based on his/her job/appointment and assignment.
a grouping of employees that a union represents (or seeks to represent) and that the Federal Labor Relations Authority finds appropriate for collective bargaining purposes
a group of employees found appropriate for representation by FLRA and voted upon by employees who are represented by a labor union in their dealings with agency management
a group of employees of an employer
a group of employees that have been determined by the State Employment Relations Board (SERB) to be an appropriate entity for purposes of collective bargaining
a group of employees who have similar work duties, share a workplace, and presumably have similar interests when it comes to pay, hours and other working conditions
A group of employees in a given workplace that has sufficient commonality to constitute a unit for purposes of collective bargaining. A bargaining unit is usually defined by the National Labor Relations Board or similar federal, state, or local agencies.
The workers who are represented by the union, generally consisting of workers in a single workplace that perform similar tasks. In the TAA, the bargaining unit consists of all of the TAs and PAs employed by UW-Madison - about 2,800 people.
Which employees are to be represented if the union wins a representation election and who may vote in the election are initially proposed by the union starting the campaign. If the employer disagrees, the Board (NLRB, NMB, FLRA or other State Labor Board as appropriate) may have to investigate and conduct a hearing to determine the coverage by job classifications of the unit in question.
A group of employees who bargain collectively with their employer. The unit may include all the workers in a single worksite or a number of worksites ("wall-to-wall"), or it may include only the workers in a single occupation within one worksite.
A group of employees designated by a government agency or accepted by the employer as constituting an appropriate unit for representation by a union.
A group of employees found by the Public Employment Relations Board to be appropriate for bargaining purposes because of similar interests.
A group of employees in a firm, plant, or industry that has been recognized by the employer and certified by a Labour Relations Board as appropriate to be represented by a union for purposes of collective bargaining. In a craft union, this could be all members of a trade and related trades.
A group of workers who bargain collectively with the employer. The unit may include all the workers in a single plant or in a number of plants, or it may include only the workers in a single craft or department. Final unit is determined by the NLRB, or agreed to jointly by the union and the employer.
Employees of a company for whom a union collectively bargains
All employees eligible to select a single union to represent and bargain collectively for them.
Group of workers determined by the labour relations board or similar body as appropriate for representation by a union for the purposes of collective bargaining. CUPE 3903 has three bargaining units: Unit 1 (Teaching Assistants), Unit 2 (Contract Faculty), Unit 3 (Graduate Assistants).
A bargaining unit in labor relations is a group of employees with a clear and identifiable community of interests who are (under U.S. law) represented by a single labor union in collective bargaining and other dealings with management. Examples would be "non-management professors"; "law enforcement professionals"; "blue-collar workers"; "clerical and administrative employees"; etc.