the population 15 years old and over who contribute to the production of goods and services in the country. It includes those who are either employed or unemployed. Those who are neither employed nor unemployed are considered not in the labor force, e.g. persons who are not working and are not available for work during the reference week and persons who are not available and are not looking for work because of reasons other than those previously mentioned. Examples are housewives, students, disabled or retired persons and seasonal workers.
The number of employed individuals in the civilian workforce and armed services.
a group consisting of persons who are either working or looking for work.
The sum of the employed and the unemployed.
All noninstitutionalized individuals 16 years of age or older who are either working or actively looking for work.
For Current Population Surveys, a person is considered in the labor force if he or she is a civilian 15 years of age or older and is defined as being either employed or unemployed (see "Employed" and "Unemployed"). This definition will differ from the official definition of the labor force that takes into account those 16 years of age or older, both civilian and non-civilian, who are classified as either being employed or unemployed.
The people in a nation who are aged 16 or over and are employed or actively looking for work. View Capstone Lesson(s) that address this concept
all those who are either employed or unemployed.
Sum of the number of employed and unemployed.
The sum of individuals who are 16 years old or older and either employed or counted as unemployed, including persons in the military.
The total of all people in the civilian labor force and the armed forces.
the source of trained people from which workers can be hired
All persons 16 years old and older who are either employed or unemployed but actively looking for work and available to accept employment, plus the members of the Armed Forces.
As used by the Bureau of the Census in the March Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS), the labor force includes people employed as civilians, unemployed, or in the Armed Forces during the survey week (see also Unemployment rate). People who are neither employed nor seeking employment are not included in the labor force (people engaged in housework, attending school, unable to work because of long-term physical or mental illness, persons who are retired or too old to work, seasonal workers in an off season, and voluntarily idle people).
Residents of a nation that are 16 or older, non-institutionalized, and either working or actively seeking work.
Those people either who have jobs or who are looking for work. the figures are obtained through monthly inquiry from a rotating sample of households.
The number of individuals in a population capable of and actively seeking work.
All the economically active people in a country between 15 and 65. Includes all employed persons, the unemployed, and members of the armed services, but excludes students and unpaid caregivers such as homemakers.
As measured in the United States, the total number of people employed or looking for work.
That group of people 16 years of age and older who are either employed or unemployed.
the US Department of Commerce generally defines the civilian labor force as all civilians 16 years old and over who were employed at the time of the Census, or who were unemployed but looking for work, or available to accept a job.
The labor force includes all people classified in the civilian labor force (that is, "employed" and "unemployed" people) plus members of the U.S. Armed Forces (people on active duty in the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard). (For more information, see "Employed" and "Unemployed." )
All persons 16 years of age and over who are classified as employed, unemployed and seeking employment, or involved in a labor-management dispute. The labor force does not include persons who never worked a full-time job lasting two weeks or longer and "discouraged workers" who have been unemployed for a substantial length of time and are no longer actively seeking employment. Members of the armed forces stationed either in the United States or abroad are counted by their place of residence. The civilian labor force excludes members of the armed forces and the institutionalized population.
the sum of all employed and unemployed persons 16 years and older actively seeking work, by place of residence (county or metropolitan statistical area).
consists of anyone who is 16 years or older, not in an institution, and is working
The number of people who have jobs or who are available for work and are actively seeking jobs. Labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percentage of the noninstitutional population age 16 years or older. (BLS)
Labor force is the sum of the people who are employed and who are unemployed.
The labor force includes all people classified in the civilian labor force, plus members of the U.S. Armed Forces (people on active duty with the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard). The Civilian Labor Force consists of people classified as employed or unemployed. (Census)
The number of people employed plus the number of unemployed
In economics the people in the labor force are the suppliers of labor. In the United States, the labor force is defined as people 16 years old or older who are employed or looking for work. However, child labor laws forbid businesses from employing people between the ages of 16 and 18 in hazardous jobs.