The total number of people able and willing to work i.e., employed and unemployed workers.
All workers for money income. Housewives, who do not work for money income, are not part of the labour force, as are not people who do not work, at all, such as small children.
The civilian non-institutional population 15 years of age and over who, during the Labour Force Survey reference week, were employed or unemployed.
The number of people employed plus the number of people unemployed.
that part of the working-age population participating in work or actively job searching. Retired people, students, people not actively seeking work or unavailable for work for other reasons are not part of the labour force.
People aged 15 years and over who are employed or unemployed and actively looking for work.
The sum of the employed and unemployed ie, the number of people either in work or available and actively seeking work.
The number of individuals in an area who are employed or are available for work.
consists of those members of the civilian, non-institutional population aged 15 years and over who are employed, or unemployed and seeking work.
for any group, persons who were employed or unemployed, as defined.
Labour force refers to persons 15 years of age and over who were employed or unemployed during the week (Sunday to Saturday) prior to Census Day. Employed persons include those who did any work for pay or in self-employment. Unemployed persons include those who had actively looked for work in the past four weeks, persons who were on temporary lay-off and expected to return to their job and persons who had definite arrangements to start a new job in four weeks or less.
(population active) The number of people aged 15 and over who are employed (that is, those who currently have jobs) and unemployed (that is, those who do not have jobs but who are actively looking for work). Individuals who do not fall into either of these groups-such as retired people and discouraged workers-are not included in the calculation of the labour force.
Those individuals aged between 15 - 65 who are employed or unemployed and able to look for work