The sum of all employed and unemployed persons 16 years of age or older in the noninstitutional population but not in the Armed Forces.
The CLF is an estimate of all civilian non-institutionalized persons 16 years of age and over who are classified as employed or unemployed and seeking employment.
That portion of the population age sixteen and older which is either employed or unemployed and actively seeking employment, excluding members of the armed forces and the institutionalized population.
is the total of employed and unemployed persons.
(CLF) - Data derived from the decennial census reflecting persons, 16 years of age or older who were employed or seeking employment, excluding those in the Armed Services. CLF data used in this report is based on the 1990 Census.
All persons 16 years old and older, excluding members of the Armed Forces, who are either employed or unemployed but actively looking for work and available to accept employment.
The average number of individuals who are either employed or unemployed in the week of the 12th for the three months of the quarter. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
A count of non-institutional persons 16 years of age and over residing within a specific geographic area, excluding members of armed forces, who are classified as employed, unemployed and seeking employment, or involved in a labor dispute.
The labor force includes all persons classified as employed or unemployed and available for work in accordance with the definitions contained in this glossary.
The National Compensation Survey defines Civilian Workers as the sum of all Private Industry and State and Local government workers. Federal Government, Military and agricultural workers are excluded. See Labor Force
All persons over the age of sixteen who are not in the armed forces nor institutionalized and who are either employed or unemployed.
the labor force minus the military
represents the number of persons sixteen years of age or older employed or seeking employment. Civilian labor force statistics are developed by the Bureau of the Census U.S. Department of Commerce.
The civilian labor force refers to the total number of private industry and state and local government workers who are either employed or unemployed. These individuals are civilians (not members of the Armed Services) who are age 16 years or older, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing homes. Each person is counted only once, even if he or she holds more than one job. (DOES)